Do you tend to over-do it or under-do it?

Lately I’ve been practicing saying, “YES,” to opportunities more than I say no (my tendency). Watch a recent interview I did with my friends Alice Dendinger and Voice Launch TV–for the Texas Conference for Women–fun!
I’m leading a mini-career and life purpose teleclass for women right now. Many have shared they’re struggling with how to leave their current jobs to pursue what they really want to do; fears around money and finances; the sense that they’re wasting their life and are running out of time to fulfill their potential; and a lack of the motivation to make a move.
As I always do, I remind them to be gentle with themselves, but to also take note of what their natural tendency is when it comes to making a change.
When I lead retreats and offer suggestions for how to get the most from the weekend, I challenge the women to “do it different”(read more) over the next 72 hours. To do the opposite of what they normally do over the course of the weekend. If they tend to be very active and want to take part in everything, perhaps they consider doing less. And for those who tend to retreat or be more observant, I nudge them to speak up and allow themselves to be seen.
We all have habitual ways of being—most of us tend to “over-do” or “under-do” life.
When you are wrestling with a big issue do you generally:
- isolate and stay in your own head or reach out to others for support and mentoring?
- stagnate and stew from over-analyzing every possible scenario or push yourself to take as much action as possible to find clarity?
- sit, sit and sit some more–hoping the problem will resolve itself, or do you become impatient and try and force an outcome?
When we’re exploring a career or job change, the key is to find the balance between being and doing—between the inner work (getting clarity on who we are, what we want and what’s a fit for us) and the outer work (putting together an action plan, seeking input and mentoring and sharing/promoting our talents and gifts). Both are essential and we can’t get traction without paying attention to equal sides of this coin.
I once had a career coaching client who lived in New York city. She said every cell in her body told her she was meant to be a famous screen writer. I asked her what steps she was taking to manifest this. She shared she had written a brilliant screen play and it was sitting on a shelf in her closet. She had a beautiful, deep faith and she told me, “I am waiting for guidance on my next steps.” I asked how long it had been sitting there. She replied quietly, “Ten years.”
Cultivating the ability to trust and let go is a powerful, necessary piece of the pie. And, we have to meet synchronicity, creative impulse, universal wisdom half-way–we need to listen to our inner guidance (our Wise Selves) and get out there. We have to advocate, support and believe in our work and ourselves–leaning into others for help when needed to make this happen.
This week observe your tendency in life: how we do anything is how we do everything. Do you tend to over-do or under-do? Then meet yourself where you are and be open to doing it differently; doing the opposite of what you normally do.
Who knows, this could end up being the week that you open up to a new perspective that changes EVERYTHING.
JOIN ME THIS THURSDAY: In career transition and seeking clarity, focus and support as you explore your next steps? Join me for Embracing the Wild Unknown: Career, Calling & Life Purpose *live* teleclass series Nov. 12 & 19 (all classes are being recorded and available 24/7 as audio downloads). Only $59. Register here.
WANT TO WORK WITH US? RTA-Certified Facilitator Liaison. A small very part-time job with a big mission. A fun/incredible opportunity for the right woman—ideal for a SAH mom. Thanks for sharing with moms who are passionate about women’s empowerment in the U.S. Due to the volume of responses we’ve received, we won’t be able to reply personally to applicants.
Subscribe here to Live Inside Out, a weekly blog written by life balance teacher/author and Career Strategists president, Renée Peterson Trudeau. Offering life balance speaking, custom workshops/retreats, training, books/telecourses and individual career coaching, her work has appeared in The New York Times, Good Housekeeping, Spirituality & Health and more. Thousands of women in ten countries are becoming RTA-Certified Facilitators and leading/joining self-renewal groups based on her award-winning curriculum. She is the author of The Mother’s Guide to Self-Renewal and Nurturing the Soul of Your Family: 10 Ways to Reconnect and Find Peace in Everyday Life. She lives in Austin, Texas, with her husband and 13 year-old son. More on her background here.
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