Tag Archive for: life coaching for mothers

My Mother’s Day gift to you (and me)
For over a decade I coached thousands of men and women in career transition on how to create a strategic career plan, leverage their brilliance and come into greater alignment with their life purpose (I have since trained a wonderful team…

Balancing Feelings
Self-CareI lost my mom suddenly and unexpectedly in 2000—thirty days before my wedding day. She was 60 when she died. If she were still alive, today would have been her 70th birthday.
For some reason, this year in particular feels especially tender.

Just for Fun?!
Self-CareI grew up in an overachiever family.
And, as the oldest of seven kids, it was not easy to refuse the Kool-Aid.
As my husband, son and I were out bike riding around the beautiful lake in the center of our city Saturday morning, we stumbled…