10 ways to become comfortable with chaos
Self-Care Last week I gathered with a small group of friends in my home. They shared they've been feeling a sense of sadness—almost a mourning—that the world as we know it is gone. It feels as if we’re headed into a brave, new frontier and…
Are you embracing the feminine?
Life Balance As a life balance coach/author, I speak, teach, write and facilitate experiences to support people in coming into greater balance on all levels, including: being and doing, thinking and feeling, giving and receiving, working and playing…
5 reasons I take retreats
Self-Care “Are you listening to your life--what is it trying to tell you?” Renee Trudeau Stephen Cope, MSW, author and director of Kripalu’s Institute for Extraordinary Living says retreats don’t change our lives as much as they change…
When in doubt, do nothing
Life Balance When I was in junior high and high school and my mom was driving me crazy, one of the ways we could find connection was through shopping for clothes. I remember many times standing with her in a boutique or big box department store contemplating…