Get Real. How Well Do You Know Yourself?
emotional self-care, Life Balance, NewsletterRecently I got a call from an old career coaching client. Her company had presented her with a yet-to-be flushed out dream opportunity, but she was so hyper-focused on finalizing details of the job description, she was missing the bigger picture:…
If it Doesn’t Flow, Let it Go!
Life Balance, Newsletter The other day, my husband and I met with our builder about a new construction project we've been working on for two years. It appeared to us that things were not lining up to support our dream and we asked to pause, meet and have a heart-to-heart…
(Video) Where Is Your Energy Going?
Life Balance, Newsletter, Work Life BalanceThis month I have been managing so many moving pieces -- working on our new web site, training new team members, booking new speaking engagements and workshops, vetting new partnerships--that I have found it hard just to hear myself think.
We Have to Feel It to Heal It
Life Balance, MindfulnessHow comfortable are you "feeling uncomfortable feelings?" During my 20's and 30's I experienced my parent's divorce, my brother's suicide, and the death of my mother and father. All of the pain, sadness, betrayal, anger and abandonment…
Living in the future = recipe for stress
Life Balance, Newsletter, Stress ManagementYears ago I was in a workshop with Richard Carlson, a gifted psychologist, father and the author of Slowing Down to the Speed of Life, Don’t Sweat the Small Stuff (It’s All Small Stuff) and many other best-selling titles. Richard talked…
If it Doesn’t Flow, Can You Let it Go?
Life Balance, NewsletterAs a communications director, throughout my twenties and thirties, I pushed myself hard. After securing a documentary special for a client on NOVA, I barely stopped to breathe before I was pitching their story to National Geographic. When it…
10 gifts I’ve uncovered while living in the unknown
Life Balance, NewsletterAre you moving through a career change, health crisis or relationship challenge? Are you in a big life transition and asking "What's next?" Or, perhaps you're in a place of re-imagining your life? It feels as if we’re headed into a…
If it doesn’t flow, let it go
Life Balance, NewsletterAs a communications director, throughout my twenties and thirties, I pushed myself hard. After securing media coverage for a client on NOVA, I barely stopped to breathe before I was pitching their story to National Geographic. When it came…
This is the time for RADICAL self-care
Life BalanceI am with you. Take a deep breath. We’re going to be OK. When I lead retreats, I often begin by asking each participant, “What are the calming, self-soothing words you *most need* to hear right now?" Perhaps they…
Quaran-crazy? 5 questions to foster peace & sanity
Life Balance, NewsletterMy jazz pianist son is downstairs in the living room (loudly) riffing on a John Coltrane piece while Skyping with his piano teacher, my husband is at the kitchen table on a conference call with his global software development team and I’m…
Living in the future = recipe for stress
Life Balance, Newsletter, Stress ManagementYears ago I remember being in a workshop with Richard Carlson, a gifted teacher, father and the author of Slowing Down to the Speed of Life, Don’t Sweat the Small Stuff (It’s All Small Stuff) and many other best-selling titles. Richard…
Maybe everything is just perfect?
Life Balance, Newsletter For the past two weeks I've been waking up at 4:59 a.m. My fall is really full and my mind has been running wild about all my perceived problems: creating an ideal support team for my business, finishing my new web site, addressing my…