Your Homework This Week: 4 Hugs a Day!
Newsletter, Stress ManagementI love my sister-in-law Ronna. The first time I met her, she gave me the most incredible hug. It wasn’t obligatory, wimpy or semi-commital. It was a full-on bear hug, complete with belly contact and a stout, strong, enveloping embrace. She…

Nature: the Ultimate Anti-Depressant (+ 9 Ideas to Get You Outside)
Newsletter, Self-Care, Stress ManagementLast week I spoke at a women’s life balance event and afterwards I visited with an attendee who asked, “I know self-care is important, but I have no idea what I need and I’m not even sure where to start!” Can you relate?

Living in the future = recipe for stress
Life Balance, Newsletter, Stress ManagementYears ago I was in a workshop with Richard Carlson, a gifted psychologist, father and the author of Slowing Down to the Speed of Life, Don’t Sweat the Small Stuff (It’s All Small Stuff) and many other best-selling titles.
Richard talked…

Your homework this week: 4 hugs a day!
Newsletter, Stress ManagementI love my sister-in-law Ronna. The first time I met her, she gave me the most incredible hug. It wasn’t obligatory, wimpy or semi-commital. It was a full-on bear hug, complete with belly contact and a stout, strong, enveloping embrace. She…

Nature: the ultimate anti-depressant (10+ ideas to get you outside)
Newsletter, Stress ManagementLast week I spoke at a women’s life balance event and afterwards I visited with an attendee who asked, “I know self-care is important, but I have no idea what I need and I’m not even sure where to start!” Can you relate?

Living in the future = recipe for stress
Life Balance, Newsletter, Stress ManagementYears ago I remember being in a workshop with Richard Carlson, a gifted teacher, father and the author of Slowing Down to the Speed of Life, Don’t Sweat the Small Stuff (It’s All Small Stuff) and many other best-selling titles.

5 life-changing ways to start your day
Self-Care, Stress ManagementI'm in the middle of my busiest speaking time. I just finished two engagements and am headed out this week for three more. While I love to travel, break routine and "do it different," going for extended periods where I'm eating new foods, sleeping…

5 questions to ask before choosing a therapist
Mindfulness, Stress ManagementIn the past month I probably received at least ten requests from friends and clients asking for referrals for great therapists.
Whenever these calls come in, I try and get my friends to slow down, step back and approach this process with…

Are you having conversations that matter?
Mindfulness, Stress Management, Women's EmpowermentIn 2002 after my son Jonah was born, I sent an email out to a handful of friends from my prenatal yoga class and invited them to meet me at our local park on the following Wednesday. We sat on blankets under big oak trees nursing our newborns.…

Nature: the ultimate anti-depressant (+10 ideas to get you outside)
Stress ManagementOne of our family's favorite spots is the Davis Mountains in West Texas, home to the second darkest night skies in the U.S. We love to go there for the magical starry nights where the Milky Way can easily be seen without a telescope and for…

Are you getting your 8 hugs a day?
Self-Care, Stress ManagementA hug is like a boomerang - you get it back right away. ~Bil Keane, "Family Circus"
I love my sister-in-law Ronna. The first time I met her, she gave me the most incredible hug. It wasn’t obligatory, wimpy or semi-commital. It was a full-on…

A note to my friends in transition
Self-Care, Stress Management
Before I went out on my own to launch Career Strategists in 1999, I remember counting the days at my last job as a marketing communications director and feeling frustrated, stuck and anxious. I was ready for a big career change, I just wasn't…