What determines YOUR happiness?

Good self-care is about staying in your own rowboat.
“The primary cause of unhappiness is never the situation, but your thoughts about it.” ― Eckhart Tolle, A New Earth: Awakening to Your Life’s Purpose
Last week my teen son and I were getting along smashingly. He was affectionate, appreciative, communicative and practicing good self-care. But knowing what a roller coaster ride it can be to parent a 9th grade boy, I kept hearing another voice say, “Yeah, this is great, but can you be just as happy when he’s treating you like crap?”
I grew up in a sea of emotional enmeshment. I remember often thinking on the ride home from high school, “I wonder what kind of mood I’ll find my mom in this afternoon (i.e. I wonder what kind of mood I’ll be in this afternoon)?!” Enmeshment is something that happens with family members when personal boundaries are diffused and there is an over-concern for others; basically, you allow them to dictate how you feel. Enmeshment can cripple your ability to cultivate autonomy and a strong sense of self, and make it hard for you to know what you really need. It took me years to develop strong boundaries with family members and others, but now I’m able to realize what it feels like to be in my own row boat and when I’m trying to leave mine and crawl into theirs.
I’m reading the book How to Raise an Adult right now (a great read, especially for parents of middle or high schoolers) on how we ALL over-parent in one way or another and how helpful it is to “normalize struggle” for our kids. As I see the next four years of my son’s life stretch before him, I’m realizing how essential it is that we let him have his full range of experiences as a 14-18 year old human being: grand successes, dismal failures, triumphant joys, trials that bring you to your knees and massive disappointments. I see very clearly how key it is that we maintain our strong boundaries, continue to be a loving presence in his life AND let him fully feel his feelings—-alone, in his rowboat. This is to support his emotional development — and ours, as well.
Observing the last decade, I’ve noted that I don’t feel the wild highs and lows that I did in my twenties and thirties. I still get excited about things, but I see experiences, circumstances and emotions as fleeting—kind of like the weather in Texas. Enjoy the wild euphoria, because it will soon be gone. Be with the dark despair, because it’s not here to stay, either.
I know happiness is one of the most overused words in our vernacular right now, but for me it is really about being ok; being content with what is (read more). And, remembering that even when those around me are riding choppy waves, it doesn’t mean I can’t be sunning on the beach right next to them, reading a good book.
THIS WEEK’S CHALLENGE: Ok, this is hard, I get it. And we all crawl in and out of one anothers rowboats at times–especially our kids. But this week, just get curious. The next time you feel triggered by another person and your mood takes a nosedive, notice what thought you had immediately prior to this feeling (mine is often “Things shouldn’t be this way!”). Then ask yourself, “Who’s business am I in? Is this my business, their business or God’s business?” (Thanks Katie-read Who’s Business Are You In?) The three things that help me keep strong boundaries and perspective are a morning meditation practice, yoga/walking and talking to like-minded parents. What helps you stay in your own rowboat? I’d love to hear!
I’d love to support you! One of the things that has helped me develop clear boundaries and a strong allegiance to myself is being around like-minded women who also desire to do the same! Here are two opportunities for you to do this: a) learn more about our global Personal Renewal Group (PRG) Program for moms of all ages and consider joining a group or becoming a RTA-Certified Facilitator and leading self-care groups today OR b) join me for an upcoming self-renewal retreat where you’ll learn the fine art/science of self-care. I have a weekend retreat coming up Oct. 28-30 and a one-day retreat on Nov. 11-learn more. P.S. Don’t delay-out retreats always sell out.
Subscribe here to Live Inside Out, a weekly blog written by life balance speaker/author and Career Strategists president, Renée Peterson Trudeau. Offering life balance & stress management workshops/retreats, training, books/telecourses and individual career coaching Renee’s work has appeared in The New York Times, Good Housekeeping, Spirituality & Health and more. Thousands of women in ten countries are becoming RTA-Certified Facilitators and leading/joining self-renewal group based on her award-winning curriculum. She is the author of The Mother’s Guide to Self-Renewal and Nurturing the Soul of Your Family: 10 Ways to Reconnect and Find Peace in Everyday Life. She lives in Austin, Texas, with her husband and 14 year-old son. More on her background here.