Tag Archive for: byron katie

(Video) Can You Be With What Is?
Mindfulness, Newsletter
I sent my husband to the farmer's market last Saturday to get arugula, kale, spinach and lettuce. He came home with a hard-skinned, oblong Japanese squash.
Maybe this year is not going quite as you had planned? This past week I heard…

When in doubt, do nothing
Mindfulness, NewsletterWhen I was in junior high school and my mom was driving me crazy, one of the ways for us to find connection was through shopping for clothes. I have many memories of standing with her in a boutique or big box department store contemplating whether…

3 questions to help you feel freer (+ end suffering)
MindfulnessLast month I received some news that was quite painful. But in the week that followed, my thoughts around what had occurred were downright tortuous. Until, in a Nia dance class, I heard my Wise Self say loud and clear, “Renee, don’t create more pain for yourself than is necessary.” This stopped me in my tracks. It helped me to realize my role in what was happening.

Hello to here: returning to the present moment
Mindfulness, NewsletterLast week I spoke at a women’s life balance event and afterwards I visited with an attendee who asked, “I know self-care is important, but I have no idea what I need and I’m not even sure where to start!” Can you relate?

What determines YOUR happiness?
“The primary cause of unhappiness is never the situation, but your thoughts about it.” ― Eckhart Tolle, A New Earth: Awakening to Your Life's Purpose
Last week my teen son and I were getting along smashingly. He was affectionate,…

Being with what is
Mindfulness, Self-Care
I'm having a really difficult time right now "Being with what is." My son continues to eat foods he's intolerant to that make him crazy irritable (welcome to middle school), my beloved after 20 years, is still not the handy-man I wish he…

When in doubt, do nothing
Life Balance
When I was in junior high and high school and my mom was driving me crazy, one of the ways we could find connection was through shopping for clothes. I remember many times standing with her in a boutique or big box department store contemplating…

Love the One You’re With
Love the one you’re with and that would be you. Bryon Katie, author
I’m about to overflow with insights and revelations. If I didn’t have so many deadlines this week, I’d grab my journal and pens, head for the nearest cave with a…

Letting Go
Self-CareAs I write the theme for this post in the subject line above, I can feel half my body applauding loudly and the other half saying, “Really?!”
Sitting at my desk at work right now surrounded by tax forms, to-do lists, contracts to review…

Your Stillpoint
Work Life BalanceLast week, over the course of several days, we received a handful of emails and phone calls from entrepreneur clients and colleagues sharing the news that their start-up businesses were not where they needed to be financially at year-end and…

Thank You Jonah
Self-CareMy husband and I are taking a seven-week parenting class right now.
Most of us weren’t “born” to know how to consciously parent and many of us didn’t have healthy models for how to be in relationship, so getting support on how to do…

It Is What It Is
Self-CareThis morning I woke up around 5:00 a.m. with a tight chest and my mind was whirring like a hamster on a wheel.
Late last month, my two amazing support team members both shared they are moving on to new opportunities—which I’m totally supportive…