Finding Stillness ~ A Women’s Self-Renewal Retreat

~An afternoon of deep rest and replenishment~


Brevard, NC 

Rest until you feel like playing, then play until you feel like resting, period. Never do anything else ~ Martha Beck

2020 has been grueling; we’re all exhausted. One of the essential strategies for mitigating stressful times is to REST. Rest restores our energy levels, helps us integrate and re-calibrate, boosts productivity and problem-solving, and helps us create sustainability in a world that never slows down.

My friend and women’s health expert Dr. Claudia Welch says, “If we feel tired, we think something is wrong. Nothing is wrong. We are just tired. We need rest. Sometimes a lot of it, if we’ve gone for years vetoing our body’s signals.” Based on my highly popular Kripalu Center for Yoga & Health self-care retreats, I have designed a deeply restorative experience for a small circle of women. Tap into the transformative power of self-care and learn to:

  • Slow down and reconnect with your Wise Self
  • Experience some my favorite self-care practices designed to help you ground, and “come home to yourself”
  • Cultivate self-compassion and self-acceptance for exactly where you are
  • Rest, relax and reconnect with your needs, desires, and your body’s natural rhythms
  • Enjoy a long, luscious Yoga Nidra (called yogic sleep) session for deep relaxation
  • Meditate in stillness for enhanced peace and harmony
  • Understand how and why starting your day intentionally is key to your mental health

This retreat is for women of all ages and life stages. Enjoy authentic connection as you embrace new ways of being and experience greater clarity and focus about your next steps.

It’s very important that we re-learn the art of resting and relaxing. Not only does it help prevent the onset of many illnesses that develop through chronic tension and worrying; it allows us to clear our minds, focus, and find creative solutions to problems. Thich Nhat Hanh

Join a soulful circle of amazing women from Western North Carolina for an afternoon of deep rest and replenishment. Size is very limited and we will be socially distanced (see COVID precautions below).

Location and date:

DATE TBA. The location is near beautiful downtown Brevard, NC, just south of Asheville.  Our quiet space has a labyrinth and is nested in the trees; location address will be emailed to you upon registration. Parking is easy and ample.


Trust me. I have 30 years experience creating transformational experiences and have been leading retreats at Esalen, Omega Institute, 1440 Multiversity and Kripalu Center for Yoga & Health since 2008.  You’ll experience Yoga Nidra for deep relaxation, enjoy meditation, beautiful poetry, guided journaling, quiet time alone in nature, nourishing time in small groups of 2-3,  soulful singing and more. Expect to feel restored, renewed and joyful at the end of this retreat and enjoy ongoing support post-retreat.


Early-bird rate: $129/person for the retreat package, which includes ebooks of The Mother’s Guide to Self-Renewal: How to Reclaim, Rejuvenate and Re-Balance Your Life and Nurturing the Soul of Your Family ($50 total value), inclusion into the Renee Trudeau Self-Care Sisterhood inner circle and two of my favorite audio classes: Embracing the Wild Unknown ($99 value) and Permission Granted: The Art of Extreme Self-Care ($99 value); learn more. Note: My one day retreats are typically $250, but  I wanted to make this affordable given the times.

Never taken a retreat with Renee? Learn more: “There are many reasons I regularly attend Renee’s retreats, but in addition to the life-altering experience, one draw that keeps me coming back is the people who attend! Renee has the unique gift of calling in the most creative, soulful, generous, inspiring women of all ages into her community –wow! Eve, entrepreneur/mom {Read more testimonials}. Also check out: 5 Reasons You Should Consider Taking a Retreat.

Refund Policy:  There are no refunds due to the short registration window and size of the group but you may keep the $250 in support services (teleclasses, ebooks, etc).

COVID-19 Precautions:  Based on NC Governor Cooper’s 11/10 guidelines we will limit the size of the group to 10 and will limit the amount of time we gather as a group. You are welcome to wear your mask during the retreat but it is not required. We will incorporate outdoor time and fresh air. We will have a high quality air filter brought in. We will be in a spacious room and we will focus on immune-boosting self-care practices. Please do not attend if you have recently been sick, are sick or have been around anyone who has been sick (COVID or otherwise). We trust you to be responsible and honor the group’s needs. Please do not register if you are not comfortable being around others who at times, may not have their masks on; there are no refunds. Email with any questions. It’s extremely important that everyone feels very comfortable. 


“Renée is so powerfully professional and so forcefully human and kind. Her presence inspires us all. This retreat was a life-altering experience.

Toronto, Canada

Donna A.

“During a woman’s life, she has the need to retreat, replenish and re-energize. Renée created a safe and sacred space at her retreat and taught me how cultivate — and practice — the art of self-care.”

Board, Kripalu Center for Yoga & Wellness, Lenox, MA

Carol O’Neil

Renée Trudeau has saved me repeatedly; her books, her tools/techniques, and dang, merely her PRESENCE has been nectar for my struggling soul.”

Washington D.C.


“Renée is a transformative and compassionate speaker/teacher/woman who exudes the message that we are all powerful and worthy.”

New York, NY

Deborah S.

“Of all the programs I’ve taken over the last twenty years, this compassionate women’s retreat spoke most deeply to my heart and helped me more with self-acceptance than any other. Profound.

Freeport, ME


“Renée has the amazing ability to create a nurturing, sacred space that honors and celebrates each woman. Her retreat was transformative; I am still using what I learned from her in my daily life.”

Munich, Germany

Mary K.

“Renee has a wonderful energy for leading retreats. Loved the pace and format. A deeply restorative and incredibly satisfying retreat.”

San Diego, CA

Julia J.

“I have 'retreated' with Renee many times-- this work has saved my life. Every time I leave with new insights and tools. Always a wise investment.”

Grafton, VT


“Renée is so powerfully professional and so forcefully human and kind. Her presence inspires us all. This retreat was a life-altering experience.

Toronto, Canada

Donna A.

“During a woman’s life, she has the need to retreat, replenish and re-energize. Renée created a safe and sacred space at her retreat and taught me how cultivate — and practice — the art of self-care.”

Board, Kripalu Center for Yoga & Wellness, Lenox, MA

Carol O’Neil

Renée Trudeau has saved me repeatedly; her books, her tools/techniques, and dang, merely her PRESENCE has been nectar for my struggling soul.”

Washington D.C.


“Renée is a transformative and compassionate speaker/teacher/woman who exudes the message that we are all powerful and worthy.”

New York, NY

Deborah S.

“Of all the programs I’ve taken over the last twenty years, this compassionate women’s retreat spoke most deeply to my heart and helped me more with self-acceptance than any other. Profound.

Freeport, ME


“Of all the programs I’ve taken over the last twenty years, this compassionate women’s retreat spoke most deeply to my heart and helped me more with self-acceptance than any other. Profound.

Freeport, ME


“Renee has a wonderful energy for leading retreats. Loved the pace and format. A deeply restorative and incredibly satisfying retreat.”

San Diego, CA

Julia J.

“I have 'retreated' with Renee many times-- this work has saved my life. Every time I leave with new insights and tools. Always a wise investment.”

Grafton, VT


This self-renewal retreat video clip gives you a sense for the energy Renee creates in her retreats. She has been leading retreats for women since 1996.

Your Retreat Facilitator

Renée Peterson Trudeau is an internationally recognized transformational coach/teacher/speaker, president of Career Strategists and author of the award-winning The Mothers’ Guide to Self-Renewal and Nurturing the Soul of Your Family. She has certified hundreds of RTA-Facilitators in more than 10 countries to facilitate Personal Renewal Groups/Retreats for women based on her award-winning self-care curriculum. Passionate about supporting women in coming into balance through practicing the art/science of self-care, Renée has been creating/leading transformational events for 25 years and has been featured in the New York Times, Spirituality & Health, Good Housekeeping, AARP and more. A recent graduate of the Wisdom Heart Mystery School Renee currently lives in Austin, TX and Brevard, NC with her husband.  (Learn more about Renee’s professional background and training.)

 Can’t make it?

  • Contact us at 512-459-6700 or email to explore having Renée create/facilitate a private retreat for your organization or group.
  • Enjoy support now:  Subscribe to Renée’s life balance blog. Join the dialogue on our Live Inside Out Facebook community today!