work-life balance speaker

Here are a few of the media outlets where life balance expert & speaker Renée Trudeau has been featured. If you are a journalist, please visit our Media Contact page or email info (at) reneetrudeau (dot) com.

work-life balance speaker work-life balance speaker work-life balance speaker work-life balance speaker
work-life balance speaker work-life balance speaker work-life balance speaker work-life balance speaker
work-life balance speaker work-life balance speaker work-life balance speaker work-life balance speaker
work-life balance speaker work-life balance speaker work-life balance speaker work-life balance speaker
work-life balance speaker work-life balance speaker work-life balance speaker

View a listing of additional media interviews here. Also available:

Video excerpts:

View all videos here


Author of award-winning The Mother’s Guide to Self-Renewal: How to Reclaim, Rejuvenate, and Re-Balance Your Life (Balanced Living Press)

Author of Nurturing the Soul of Your Family: 10 Ways to Reconnect and Find Peace in Everyday Life (New World Library)

Contributor to Courageous Parents, Confident Kids: Letting Go So You Both Can Grow(Spark Press) by Amy Tiemann, PhD

Contributor to award-winning What Happy Working Mother’s Know (John Wiley & Sons, Inc.) by Cathy Greenberg, PhD