7 reasons you should ask for help
Life & Career Coaching, Self-Care
This morning a dear friend went in for hip surgery and I called together a circle of women to pray for her. And this week as I prepare to head to New York for a week to lead a retreat, I'm calling in ALL the troops--from additional admin…

What are your non-negotiables? (+a girlfriend giveaway)
Life & Career Coaching
In our 15 year old career coaching firm, one of the exercises we often have our career exploration clients do--after we've worked with them to define what they want, what they do best and what's a fit for them--is to come up with their top…

Permission granted: name & claim the life you desire!
Life & Career Coaching, Self-Care
Ten years ago when my son was in preschool, my cup was feeling really full and in a moment of supreme clarity, I sat down one morning and wrote:
The life I desire is marked by deep connections to my child and partner. It’s a life filled…

9 ways to own your power
Life & Career Coaching, Self-Care
One of our career coaching clients, Alicia, had a rough week.
After she received a disconcerting email from a new business partner—it became very clear they were speaking different languages and not on the same page. She paused and…

Do you embrace life’s mysteries?
Life & Career Coaching, Work Life Balance
“Life is not a thing to be managed, it’s a mystery to be lived.” Anonymous
In our Austin career coaching offices where our senior coaches see clients, sits a red heart-shaped box filled with some of our favorite inspirational and…

More Harmony, Please
Life & Career Coaching, Self-Care
This past week was a doozy.
It seemed everywhere I turned—clients, friends, school, family, businesses—people were in disequilibrium.
On a personal note, it makes sense that I would experience some resistance given that on top of our…