This past weekend I led a Self-Renewal Retreat at The Crossings Spa and Resort for an amazing group of 32 women from around the U.S. It is deeply fulfilling work, but it also takes a lot of energy to “hold the space” for people as they…

Your Wise Self
Self-Care Last Friday I led a one-day self-renewal retreat at The Crossings Spa & Resort for a wonderful group of women from around the US (and one from Shanghai!).
At the front of the space where we gathered—a beautiful room with walls of windows,…

Being Seen
Self-CareMy sweet son just turned eight.
His class has a beautiful ritual of honoring each child on their birthday with a song circle and accolades. My husband and I attended Jonah’s birthday circle last Friday and the experience really moved me.

Self-CareI went to hear a friend sing the other night. A talented, soulful singer songwriter, it was Tricia Mitchell’s re-entry into the spotlight after taking a break to be with her young kids.
As I watched her onstage at a local club in Austin telling…

When I Fill My Cup First
Self-CareI spoke last week to a group of career coaches. Most of them were women. And, many of them came up to me after the presentation and wanted to talk about self-care.
I encouraged them to consider joining a Personal Renewal Group, attending one…

Living Inside-Out
Self-CareEvery morning on the way to driving my son to school, I take a few minutes to set an intention for the day (i.e. I am wise and focused or I relax into an easy flow). I also invite my seven-year old to do the same. We’ve been doing this since…

Balancing Feelings
Self-CareI lost my mom suddenly and unexpectedly in 2000—thirty days before my wedding day. She was 60 when she died. If she were still alive, today would have been her 70th birthday.
For some reason, this year in particular feels especially tender.

Honoring Your Rhythms
Self-Care This was an incredibly full weekend (I helped promote and led a workshop for a wonderful girls empowerment conference, supported artist friends at a community event, attended our annual school fund raiser and had the honor of hosting a 50th…

Putting Things In Perspective
Self-CareWe just returned from a quick weekend trip to the Davis Mountains in West Texas with some good friends.
Why drive 6.5 hours to this mile-high city out in the middle of nowhere?
My family and I go to envelop ourselves in one of the darkest…

Are You “In Integrity” with Yourself?
Self-CareIf a man does not keep pace with his companions, perhaps it is because he hears a different drummer. Let him step to the music which he hears, however measured or far away. Henry David Thoreau
Recently I attended a wellness conference with…

Are You Connected to Your Needs?
Self-CareThis morning as I drove my seven-year old son to school, I mused out loud “Should I go to Yoga or Nia this morning?” I love both, but was juggling a really full day with a lot of deadlines, so I was pondering which might support a more flowing…

Radical Self-Care
Self-CareAre you willing to p*** people off in order to take care of yourself?
I just returned from our amazing Fall Self-Renewal Retreat at The Crossings with twenty wonderful women from around the U.S. (Look for more to come on our April 2010 retreat.)…