Kripalu October 2024 ~ Soul Tending Self-Care Resources

Dear Sisters ~ Greetings! (Keep this link/page—it has many recommended/curated resources.) I am flying back to my home in the Blue Ridge mountains and have been holding you in my heart (Val and Nicole and I had a wonderful “Goddess date.” I hope you received the email on transitioning on Sunday with the contact list (if you are Molly’s partner, have her reach out, her email bounced). Thanks for your authenticity, open-hearts, beautiful engagement and exquisite support of one another. We loved being with you. Connection = medicine.
Support sister dates: I encourage you to reach out TODAY to your support sister and set up a hiking date/dinner/Zoom tea or a call. Do the self-care plan in your packet together and share what you discover. Meet as many times as you are able and keep checking in on your self-care promise. Here is our contact list. Please respect everyone’s privacy and do not send any group emails; the contact list is for you to connect with your pod or 1-1.
Enjoy all the support handouts from your packet plus all the resources below. You can view all my 2024-25 retreats as of today. Every retreat I do is different.
Let’s cozy-up together in 2 months! Join me and Val/Nicole/Mary on the Winter Solstice, Sat. December 21st, 3:00-5:30 ET for a live/virtual retreat: Solace: A Deep Rest Winter Solstice Retreat. This wonderful experience includes poetry/song/meditation and Yoga Nidra. Through Sunday Nov. 3 only, this group can take $10 off the early bird price; enter “10OFFKRIPALU” at check-out. View/download any online retreat (video/audio download) at your convenience; women love these mini retreats—enjoy them from your bathtub, the jogging trail or your favorite cozy nook! Download/learn more here.
Feeling called to facilitate or co-facilitate a group or retreat for friends or women in your community? Are you passionate about empowering women through leading women’s circles and retreats? Drawing from my 30+ years of experience—training over 450 facilitators and teaching at the Kripalu Center for Yoga & Health—I’ve created a beautiful self-paced training and mentoring course. Available for download 24/7, this video course gives you everything you need to start facilitating women’s groups with confidence. It features an in-depth video with Q&A, a comprehensive resource guide, and plenty of templates and tips. This course is based on our highly regarded (now retired) Facilitator Training Program. For a limited time, you can access Secrets to Facilitating Life-Changing Groups/Retreats in Uncertain Times for just $195 here.
With joy and gratitude—Renee and the RTA Team P.S. I love to receive testimonials about your retreat experience—feel free to send any my way! It really helps retreat “newbies” understand why they should invest in themselves! You can read testimonials from past retreats here.

YES! I’D LOVE TO SUPPORT YOUR COMPANY, TEAM, ORGANIZATION OR WOMEN’S GROUP. I’m booking speaking events now through 2025-26. My primary work is speaking at companies, organizations and at conferences around finding balance/resiliency through practicing the art & science of self-care. Whether it’s a 50-minute keynote, an interactive workshop or a half or full-day custom retreat, I’d love to support your team, employees, women’s network or speak at your next regional/national conference. Recent clients include: Advent Health, Merrill Lynch, The Hewlett Foundation, Council on Family Violence, Bank of America, The Center for Women in Law, The National Association of OB-GYNS, hospitals, law firms, universities, nonprofit organizations and national women’s leadership forums. I’ve been speaking professionally for 30 years. Learn more here.
RETREATS AND SUPPORT: I recommend taking a personal planning retreat every 90 days. From stillness comes discernment. Much more on my blog on tips for taking retreats. Read here to learn more about the dance of the feminine/masculine (also more on this theme in my book Nurturing the Soul of Your Family).
DAILY/WEEKLY INSPIRATION: Receive daily inspiration on our global Live Inside Out Facebook page or Instagram page where I share real-world tips/ideas for slowing down and living more intentionally. You are subscribed to my weekly Live Inside Out blog that comes out Tuesdays; if you didn’t get my blog yesterday on 8 Ways to Own Your Power, let us know!
- Playlist! Go to my Spotify Profile; pull up the list “Kripalu Soul Tending” for all our dance songs.
- Banyan Botanicals –love their Beauty Balm and “Women’s Transition” formula for hormonal balancing.
- I use Aura Cacia organic essential oils; the blend we created for you was Neroli, Rose, Frankincense and a drop of Tangerine in Organic Sweet Almond Oil.
- Kalyani designs/mandalas artwork here.
- Menopause support: Dr. Anna Cabecca and Dr. Claudia Welch.
- Community Song Circles! Check out Lisa Littlebird, and –all in California. Lisa and Heather offer training and group song circles online and in-person—tell them we’re friends! I trained with Lisa, and am dear friends with Maggie. You can also google for a “community song circle” in your area and on Facebook. Here are our songs.
- Yoga Nidra from Friday evening – with my mentor Dr. Richard Miller, founder of iRest. You can also find Yoga Nidra on the Insight Timer app. Learn more about adult attachment styles through my mentor Patti Elledge
- Dance! Google/look on their sites for local classes: (send your NC friends to Wild Souls Authentic Movement!) 5 Rhythms Dance (Gabrielle Roth), Quoya,,,,,
- Poems: I read poetry from Chelan Harkin, John O’Donohue (For Those Who Are Exhausted: A Blessing), Mark Nepo (The Friend) and Hiro Boga. Here are my poems.
Connection, dance, singing and nature = deep reset for the nervous system! Please let your friends in the Southeast know about my Wild Souls Adventures NC-based offerings I love to design/lead custom retreats/experiences for your friends/teams in my area or yours.
Reminder: all of the materials and exercises from the retreat are Copyrighted/Renee Trudeau & Associates; please do not copy, distribute or use any of the materials or exercises from the retreat with others unless you have secured express permission at Additionally, please respect your sisters privacy and do not email the group list. This is considered spam. Thank you!