Tag Archive for: exquisite self-care

A Grateful Heart
Self-CareI was flipping through our family calendar this morning, which is filled with quotes from Pema Chodron, to see what’s scheduled for May. The quote from her book The Places that Scare You, jumped out at me:
“Rejoicing in ordinary things…

We Need Each Other
Women's Empowerment
Yesterday afternoon my nine year old ran away from home.
He only went 2 blocks. He was barefoot and was carrying a cigar box filled with a Whole Earth Provision gift card, fifteen dollars and a birthday gift certificate from his uncle for…

Doing vs. Being
Work Life BalanceThis is the time of year that many of us feel more like human doings than human beings.
Yesterday afternoon, my husband and son went out to work on costumes for one of my husband’s upcoming Samba School gigs.
I had been looking forward to…

Be Here Now … Really?!
SpiritualityGrowing up, my parents used to quote a lot of annoying phrases to me.
They were boomers, intellectuals and spiritual seekers, and were always looking for new perspectives and teachings to expand their minds. (My dad liberally quoted passages…

Love the One You’re With
Love the one you’re with and that would be you. Bryon Katie, author
I’m about to overflow with insights and revelations. If I didn’t have so many deadlines this week, I’d grab my journal and pens, head for the nearest cave with a…

I Love My Body
Self-CareI celebrated my 45th birthday over this past weekend. But I didn’t feel social (unusual for me).
I just felt a strong pull to nest, rest and reflect—read more—so much so that I cancelled my long-anticipated workshop with Shiva Rea and…

Letter to Luca
SpiritualityFrom the time I was a little, I always felt babies were special (being the oldest of seven children, I got lots of practice welcoming newborns into the world). I always believed they were much more than blobs growing into themselves (check out…

Feeling the Mystery
Self-CareI just returned from a weekend yoga retreat at the rustic, quiet Margaret Austin Retreat Center, two hours east of Austin.
The weekend was led by two beautiful, gifted Vinyasa yoga teachers from Yoga Yoga (my yoga “home”). They did a wonderful…

Exquisite Self-Care
Self-Care Last night we had some friends over for dinner and I ate something that I’ve been off of for about six weeks. And, it made me feel like crap. My husband would say—since my dairy and wheat intolerances manifest as emotional disequilibrium---I…