I went to hear a friend sing the other night. A talented, soulful singer songwriter, it was Tricia Mitchell’s re-entry into the spotlight after taking a break to be with her young kids.
As I watched her onstage at a local club in Austin telling stories, singing, playing her guitar and still somehow staying connected to her small three and six year old kiddos who were running around in front of the stage, I was deeply moved. (Listen to some of her music here; I love Bobby Jo Plays the Violin.)
It takes a lot of courage to write music and lyrics and have the willingness to get up “bare naked” and perform in front of friends and strangers.
We inspire each other. When one of us makes the choice to get up off the couch and (fill in the blank: look for a new job, start a business, write a book, take up painting, perform original music in front of an audience), we all do.
We’re far more connected than we know. And in our small and large acts of courage, we empower each other—often unknowingly—to fulfill our dreams. And to keep putting one foot in front of the next.
Thanks Tricia, for reminding all of us that what awaits us when we get up off the couch—is worth pursuing. And, for helping us remember that when we let our light shine, we unconsciously give others the permission to do the same.
AN INVITATION: Interested in exploring and tapping into the power of self-care? Learn how you can join or become trained to lead a self-renewal circle for women. And, view all upcoming events–including our amazing March 26th and April 23-25 Self Renewal Women’s Retreats at The Crossings Spa & Resort—here.
Also, visit Live Inside Out to register for our March 23rd FREE teleclass from 7:30-8:30 p.m. CST on Owning Your Personal Power. And sign up to receive weekly tips on how to live more intentionally through our Live Inside Out Facebook Community.
The Journey, a blog about coach/author/entrepreneur Renee Trudeau’s personal journey to life balance and living life from the inside out, comes out weekly.
Photo: Tricia Mitchell.
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