Shedding the old, making way for the new

I just got back from Big Bend National Park–a wild terrain and home to many snakes. Can you let go of your “old ways of being,” just like the snake sheds her skin?
We must be willing to get rid of the life we’ve planned, so as to have the life that is waiting for us. The old skin has to be shed before the new one can come. Joseph Campbell
I’m doing a lot of shedding right now. Letting things wither on the vine. Die. Crumble. And fall to the ground.
I’ll sweep up the mess later.
I want to move slow and listen deeply as I attune to this urgent calling to clean house. To let go–once and for all–of old beliefs, attitudes and habits that no longer serve me. That represent outdated, outgrown ways of being. And seeing. And relating.
I’m shedding parts of my business–and ways of working–that are no longer sustainable. I’m shedding aspects of my personality that are holding me back. That are keeping me from experiencing a lighter, freer, more open and “ready for anything” Renee.
I’m going through my spice rack, my old journals and purging my clothes closet. I’m releasing relationships and ties that are taking up too much energy and are not reciprocal.
I’m using an industrial size loofah sponge and sloughing off the dead skin in my life so I can simplify, streamline and create wide open space for what’s coming my way. For the wild unknown.
Feeling called to join me? Here are three questions to explore this week:
What are three ways of being that describe how I desire to live (ex: aligned, trusting, open, creatively, connected, etc.)?
What old habits or outdated aspects of my personality am I ready to release once and for all (what keeps me from living the life I desire)?
What recent signs have I received from the Universe or God, that indicate parts of my life/work are complete and ready for composting? If you’re in transition (read 10 things I tell my friends in transition) be gentle with yourself, reach out for support and take baby steps. Just start by purging your bedroom closet –then go from there.
- Would you love to gather, support and connect women in your community who are feeling called to release the old and explore new ways of being? Find out more about our 14 year-old global Personal Renewal Group Program and consider becoming a RTA-Certified Facilitator and leading self-renewal groups/retreats for women in your area ($100 off online training through 3/31/17 + a private coaching session with Renee!).
- Self-employed and live in Texas? I am co-creating a beautiful new community for soulful, entrepreneurial women seeking a like-minded tribe called UNLEASHED ATX. I offer Mastermind Workshops for Enlightened Entrepreneurs around “The Conversations You Wish You Were Having.” The March 31st theme will be Harnessing & Leveraging Our Energy. Learn more/register; space is limited. We’ll be meeting at the inspiring, luxurious, Austin JW Marriott in a window-filled space overlooking one of the most creative cities in the world!
Subscribe here to Live Inside Out, a weekly blog written by life balance & mindfulness teacher/coach/speaker and Career Strategists president, Renée Peterson Trudeau. Her work has appeared in The New York Times, Good Housekeeping, Spirituality & Health and more. Thousands of women in ten countries are becoming RTA-Certified Facilitators and leading/joining self-care groups based on her award-winning curriculum. She is the author of The Mother’s Guide to Self-Renewal and Nurturing the Soul of Your Family: 10 Ways to Reconnect and Find Peace in Everyday Life. She lives in Austin, Texas, with her husband and 15 year-old son. More on her background here.