5 ways to reclaim the rest you need
Self-CareA psychologist friend of mine recently shared that every time we hear our phones ding--or our neighbor's phone vibrate--our cortisol levels rise and our heart rate increases. In the 24/7, wired world we now occupy, most of us are living in a perpetual fight or flight state (we see a triggering text and our body has the same reaction it SHOULD have when we see a bear!).
Your summer of self-care: 9 ways to say no!
MindfulnessI just returned from Ireland and am excited to dive into a creative project I'll be working on this summer in the Blue Ridge Mountains. I am also exhausted from the intense emotional roller-coaster I've been on for the last six months and know I need time for deep relaxation. So this week I'm sitting with how I want to feel on Labor Day and where to direct my energy over the next 90 days. What's your intention for this summer?
Stop creating suffering for yourself (here’s how)
MindfulnessLast month I received some news that was quite painful. But in the week that followed, my thoughts around what had occurred were downright tortuous. Until, in a Nia dance class, I heard my Wise Self say loud and clear, “Renee, don’t create more pain for yourself than is necessary.” This stopped me in my tracks. It helped me to realize my role in what was happening.
7 ways to practice radical self-care
Life BalanceLast month I received some news that was quite painful. But in the week that followed, my thoughts around what had occurred were downright tortuous. Until, in a Nia dance class, I heard my Wise Self say loud and clear, “Renee, don’t create more pain for yourself than is necessary.” This stopped me in my tracks. It helped me to realize my role in what was happening.