You have to feel it, to heal it
Newsletter, Self-CareHow comfortable are you "feeling uncomfortable feelings?"
During my 20's and 30's I experienced my parent's divorce, my brother's suicide, and the death of my mother and father. All of the pain, sadness, betrayal, anger and abandonment these…

6 things to do when life feels hard
Newsletter, Self-CareMany people are struggling right now. Some are barely keeping their heads above water. I was visiting with a dear friend yesterday who is battling depression. “It comes and it goes. But when it returns, I often freeze and forget what helps…

Do you take time to celebrate … life?
Mindfulness, Newsletter
Saturday evening my husband and I went out to a new restaurant for a celebration dinner.
Did something big and exciting happen that deserved a grand toast? No. But, lately we noticed we’re focusing more on what’s wrong rather than…

Many things are true at once
Mindfulness, Newsletter
“Nothing is either good or bad but thinking makes it so.” ~Shakespeare
Around the globe, many of us are experiencing deep frustration and despair right now. Others are expanding joyfully into new ways of being and seeing. And most…

Want to make self-care a priority? Start here
Newsletter, Self-CareLast week I spoke at a women’s life balance event and afterwards I visited with an attendee who asked, “I know self-care is important, but I have no idea what I need and I’m not even sure where to start!” Can you relate?

Plan a personal retreat: 6 tips for success
Newsletter, women's retreatThis month I have been managing so many moving pieces -- working on our new web site, training new team members, booking new speaking engagements and workshops, vetting new partnerships--that I have found it hard just to hear myself think.

Ready to re-structure your life in 2020?
Life & Career Coaching, NewsletterLast week I gathered with my extended family for Christmas. We had a wonderful experience (read more on tips for staying sane at family gatherings) thanks in part to entering the day intentionally. I was hosting this year, so in true Renee…

7 tips for staying sane this holiday season
emotional self-care, NewsletterI have 21 adults and children coming to my house this week for a Christmas gathering. I’m a little nervous. This time of year can be particularly emotional, intense and taxing on our relationships (to say the least). And gatherings can be…

How (and why) to embrace your shadow
Mindfulness, NewsletterWhile I love celebrating Christmas as a season of light and time of spiritual renewal, sometimes the days before and after this sacred holiday can be a bit dark for me. Between the cold, grey weather, honoring my deceased mother's Dec. 20th…

5 ways to find the rest you crave
Newsletter, Self-Care
Last weekend I spent an hour with my December calendar--not penciling things in, but revisiting pending events and making choices that support a more spacious, restorative winter schedule.
Does the thought of hanging lights and attending…

Why does self-care seem harder for men?
Newsletter, Self-CareThis past Saturday afternoon our family had competing desires: my son wanted to take the car to go see friends, I wanted to check out an art exhibit and my husband wanted to play at a house concert with his band. We juggled and all ended up…

Want to feel good? Cultivate an attitude of gratitude
Mindfulness, NewsletterGrowing up, our overachiever family placed a high value on competency. Often that translated into a critical mindset toward self and others, where we frequently saw the bad before the good.
This way of being, like all patterns, became habitual…