What’s your vision for how you want to live?
Self-Care, Women's Retreats
If one does not know to which port one is sailing, no wind is favorable. Seneca
Most people are surprised to hear that I love making a big pot of minestrone soup for my family and neighbors as much as I love getting invited to go to India…

Are you at a threshold, too?
Self-Care, Women's Retreats
THRESHOLD noun/thresh·old/ˈthresh-ˌhōld: the starting point for a new state or experience.
Yesterday we attended a moving "Ceremony of 13" at our church for my teenage son. Cultures around the world share a tradition of marking…

Nora’s story: my first retreat
Women's RetreatsEver wonder what happens at our Women's Self-Renewal Retreats? Curious why someone would carve out time, line up child and/or parent care and jump through hoops to get away and spend a weekend with other women?
Nora Livesay, a mom and graduate…

What would your Wise Self say?
Self-Care, Women's Retreats
As I watch my five parentless siblings hit major life milestones — marriages, divorces, new babies, moves, career changes, health challenges— and observe their individual journeys toward emotional health and well-being, it makes me reflect…

7 women’s wisdom: pearls from Kripalu
Self-Care, Women's Retreats
I’ve been leading retreats for women for 25 years (read why I lead retreats) and every single time I'm amazed by how much I learn and am reminded of by the women who show up in the circle.
This past weekend I was at Kripalu Center for…

5 reasons I take retreats
Women's Retreats
"From stillness comes discernment." Renee Trudeau
Stephen Cope, MSW, author and director of Kripalu’s Institute for Extraordinary Living says retreats don’t change our lives as much as they change where we stand in relationship…

My #1 life balance secret
Self-Care, Women's Retreats
"Are you listening to your life; what is it trying to tell you?” Renee Trudeau
Most people are surprised to hear that I love making a big pot of minestrone soup for my family and friends as much as I love getting invited to go to India…

Women's Retreats
“We are not held back by the love we didn't receive in the past, but by the love we're not extending in the present.” ― Marianne Williamson
I once spoke at a girls empowerment conference to a group of three hundred ten to thirteen-year-olds.…

What’s your intention for this summer?
Women's Retreats, Work Life Balance
What is your intention for summer 2014?
Do you plan to slow down and enjoy unscheduled downtime with your family? Is there a work or creative project you want to complete by the end of August? Do you want to reconnect with those you love…

Who am I, really?
Women's Retreats, Work Life Balance
"The privilege of a lifetime is being who you really are." Joseph Campbell
This past week I was visiting with a friend, a wise and trusted OB-GYN. She shared that she is experiencing some sadness and grief. After many decades, she is…

Give yourself a break
Self-Care, Women's Retreats
Growing up I was often inspired by my parent's generosity towards those less fortunate. They would write checks to causes, donate household items, handout food to the homeless, sponsor foster kids to attend community events and encourage…

Cultivating an attitude of gratitude
Women's Retreats, Work Life Balance
Growing up, our overachiever family placed a high value on competency. Often that translated into a critical mindset towards self and others, where we frequently saw the bad before the good.
This way of being, like all patterns, became…