Tag Archive for: Doing Less

How do you abandon yourself?
Recently while facilitating a women's retreat at Esalen, I shared my definition of self-care with the group: the art of attuning and responding to your needs and desires moment to moment. And then I asked the circle, "Do you feel safe with…

Are you over-managing your life?
Stress Management
"Sometimes letting things go is an act of far greater power than defending or hanging on." ― Eckhart Tolle, A New Earth: Awakening to Your Life's Purpose
A few year ago, I led a telecourse on how to let go and go with the flow (available…

8 ways to enjoy a stress-free vacation
Recently our family was invited to visit friends for the weekend at their cabin on the river a couple hour’s drive from our house.
Two days before we were going to leave, my husband and I were frantically creating lists of all the…

A New Simplicity
Life Balance
I attended an awesome women’s retreat yesterday with the fabulous Anita Johnson and the divine Elissa Shapiro.
What came through loud and clear for me at the retreat was a desire to yes, simplify and do less (read more), but also to use…