Are you in transition, too?
Life Balance, MindfulnessTran·si·tion. tranˈziSH(ə)n,tranˈsiSH(ə)n/. noun 1. the process or a period of changing from one state of being or condition to another
I got to connect with some dear friends over the holiday weekend and it seems just about…

Can You Be with What Is?
Meditation, MindfulnessThis morning as I settled into my meditation cushion for my sit, I could feel my chest tighten and an army of "shoulds" line up at the door. As is typical in May with end of school-year activities, I am juggling too much on the work, home and…

When in doubt, do nothing
Meditation, Mindfulness
Our A/C went out yesterday on Mother's Day (it was 95 degrees). This morning, in addition to dealing with a disgruntled teen and catching up at work after being out sick all last week, my husband needed me to deal with A/C repair bids and…

The Best Investment You Can Make
Mindfulness, Women's Retreats
I just returned from an international women's conference featuring personal development, leadership, life purpose and international women's rights speakers from around the world. From authors Elizabeth Gilbert and Marianne Williamson to…

7 Reasons I Practice Self-Care
In 2002, when my son was six months old, I felt a strong but persistent tap on my shoulder from my Wise Self to gather women and explore the age-old question, ”How do we nurture our children and stay true to our own needs and desires?”