Rituals: why I love them & why they matter
Life Balance
Life is not a thing to be managed but a mystery to be lived.
Recently my extended family got into a bit of a heated mess around a long-time Christmas giving tradition and how best –or even why— we should carry it out. It really crystalized…
Who (or what) most needs your attention?
I recently had the curtain lifted around a key piece of my business. An expensive project I worked on with a business partner over a year ago wasn’t executed well and it was becoming increasingly clear it needed to be addressed. I was…
Be gentle with yourself
Self-Care, Women's Retreats
You can search throughout the entire universe for someone who is more deserving of your love and affection than you are yourself, and that person is not to be found anywhere. You yourself, as much as anybody in the entire universe deserve…
Permission granted: 5 ways to find rest this holiday
Does the thought of hanging lights and attending holiday work parties make you want to grab your sleeping bag and run for the nearest cave? 2015 has been intense for many of us. Often, we felt over-scheduled, overworked and we rarely…
Do you tend to over-do it or under-do it?
Life & Career Coaching
I’m leading a mini-career and life purpose teleclass for women right now. Many have shared they’re struggling with how to leave their current jobs to pursue what they really want to do; fears around money and finances; the sense that they’re…
Life & Career Coaching, Self-Care
(Photo: Each morning we wake up to my 13 year-old working on this new Phillip Glass piece; he's playing on our family Steinway. He inspires me every day to keep looking for new ways to express my creativity. Here's a clip.)
Are you saying “Yes,” to your life?
When was the last time you took a risk? I don't mean trying a new Thai restaurant, I mean a real risk--one that caused you to feel nervous, scared and excited all at the same time?! Risks are essential to feeling alive--they remind us that…
Is your pace sustainable?
Work Life Balance
This past weekend at my Kripalu Center for Yoga & Health New Way of Being Women's Self-Renewal Retreat I met a woman who was the dean at a large medical school. She said they just added a class on Self-Care & Resiliency to their…
What’s your vision for how you want to live?
Self-Care, Women's Retreats
If one does not know to which port one is sailing, no wind is favorable. Seneca
Most people are surprised to hear that I love making a big pot of minestrone soup for my family and neighbors as much as I love getting invited to go to India…
Radical self-care
Are you willing to p*** people off in order to take care of yourself?
A big part of my work as a life balance teacher/coach is supporting women in attuning and responding to their needs and desires through practicing the art of self-care…
9 ways to say no
Things which matter most should never be at the mercy of things which matter least. Goethe
It's October. That time of year when many of us feel like we're running from one thing to the next and there's barely time to catch our breath.
What are you refusing to see?
This past weekend I stepped out of my comfort zone and attended a blogging conference. I like nudging myself to try new things and while I'm fairly tech-savvy, this uber-plugged in scene was not my typical playground (one of my goals in…