Gifts from 2011
As we move into 2012, I find myself feeling more quiet and at ease than I have in many years past. While there are many wonderful things coming to fruition around my work, more than anything, I'm just content with being with what is. And…
Work Life Balance
It's Thursday morning, December 29th. I'm sitting in front of our fireplace in my floral pajamas with a mug of chamomile tea and an inspirational Osho Zen card deck.
I've arranged for my son to attend an all-day winter nature camp so I can…
What Really Matters?
Women's Empowerment
Yesterday morning I found myself standing at my open front door staring out at a beautiful oak tree. Bathed in sunlight, I held a cup of lemon ginger tea in one hand and my to-do list in the other.
I was waiting for a friend that I was helping…
Do It Different
Over the past two weekends I saw some amazing art at E.A.S.T. (I feel so lucky to live in Austin--a progressive oasis in the center of Texas; our tourism plug for years was "Austin, what the rest of the country had in mind!")
Having the opportunity…
This past week I participated in an amazing one-day conference for 2000 women. It was an inaugural event and I was delivering the closing keynote, a workshop session to 300 women, my organization was staffing/working a booth and I was signed…
Women's Empowerment
Friday I got triggered.
One of my team members told me they wouldn’t be available to help me this week as I prepare for several major events.
I translated this into “I’m not supported in the world."
And I immediately felt a strong…
More Harmony, Please
Life & Career Coaching, Self-Care
This past week was a doozy.
It seemed everywhere I turned—clients, friends, school, family, businesses—people were in disequilibrium.
On a personal note, it makes sense that I would experience some resistance given that on top of our…
A New Way of Being
Self-Care(This morning I found this scribbled on the back of a page in my journal. It's from the first week of my summer writing sabbatical. June 22, 2011. You can read more about my summer here.)
The deepest part of me desires to WAKE UP and evolve…
Living from the Inside-Out
Work Life BalanceOctober overwhelm. It’s an old familiar friend. With my natural proclivity to “always think big” (I am a dyed in the wool entrepreneur!), underestimate how much time is needed for tasks and my tendency to take on too much at one time--I…
Ahhh….A Change Is Needed!
Self-CareMy husband and I had a challenging time around communication this past week. Of course, I can quickly blame it on his heady, introverted nature (he’s an INTP if you know Myers Briggs speak), but the truth is it takes two to tango.
At the…
Choosing Love Over Fear
Self-CareThere are only ever two choices: love or fear. Which path will you take?
My writing sabbatical this past July/August was incredible. Incredibly intense that is. I told a friend the other day it was like 30 years of therapy in two months. I…
Life BalanceThis morning my nine year-old was in total disequilibrium.
I don’t know if it was the 9/11 documentary we let him watch, the full moon or another growth spurt, but it didn’t feel good and I didn’t want any of us to leave for the day on…