3 things I remember when I’m in transition
Life & Career Coaching, Women's RetreatsTran·si·tion. tranˈziSH(ə)n,tranˈsiSH(ə)n/. noun 1. the process or a period of changing from one state of being or condition to another
I reconnected with some friends over the weekend and it seems just about everyone I…

How well do you know yourself?
Life & Career CoachingLast week I got a call from an old career coaching client. Her company had presented her with a yet-to-be flushed out dream opportunity, but she was so hyper-focused on finalizing the job description, she was missing the bigger picture: a diamond…

Is it time for some truth telling?
Life & Career Coaching“Honesty is more than not lying. It is truth-telling, truth-speaking, truth living, and truth-loving.” ― James E. Faust
Ever since I was a young girl I've been a truth teller. My career coaching clients and author friends call me…

What is your life trying to tell you?
Life & Career CoachingAt a recent workshop for seasoned small business owners, I was visiting with two long-time entrepreneurs who both shared they were getting signs it was time to let their business go. They were ready to harness and redirect their energy towards…

9 ways to reclaim your power
Life & Career Coaching
Alicia, one of our career coaching clients, had a rough week.
After she received a disconcerting email from a new business partner, it became clear they were not on the same page. Alicia paused and decided to stop the email tennis match,…

Finding the answers to your biggest questions
Life & Career Coaching
Remember, the entrance to the sanctuary door is inside you. ~Rumi
In my former life as a career strategist, I worked for years with successful men and women around career changes and aligning "who they are with what they do." One of the…

7 good reasons to ask for help
Life & Career Coaching, Self-Care
I'm preparing to launch a new nonprofit organization in Austin this week focused on supporting parents of teens; the underlying premise: community is medicine. I have many motivations for starting this initiative, but ultimately I have…

Do you tend to over-do it or under-do it?
Life & Career Coaching
I’m leading a mini-career and life purpose teleclass for women right now. Many have shared they’re struggling with how to leave their current jobs to pursue what they really want to do; fears around money and finances; the sense that they’re…

Life & Career Coaching, Self-Care
(Photo: Each morning we wake up to my 13 year-old working on this new Phillip Glass piece; he's playing on our family Steinway. He inspires me every day to keep looking for new ways to express my creativity. Here's a clip.)

5 ways I’d love to support you right now
Life & Career Coaching, Life Balance
Because you are alive, everything is possible. Thich Nhat Hanh
My husband and I have been experiencing some communication bumps over the last week or two. We've been stuck in some old ways of relating and have been having a hard time…

How well do you know yourself?
Life & Career Coaching
I just launched a new self-renewal group for women called Embracing the Wild Unknown (supporting the journey into the second half of life). I noticed during our introductions that most of the women seemed pretty self-aware. They knew their…

10 things I tell clients in transition
Life & Career Coaching
In 1999 I combined my 14 years of experience and training in organizational/leadership development, communications strategy, corporate coaching and personal branding and launched my first business—a career coaching and consulting firm…