7 back-to-school tips to help you stress less & find your center
Mindfulness, Self-Care
Whether your kids are toddlers or teens, the start of a new school year offers the opportunity for a fresh start and a chance to do things differently.
If you’re feeling some anxiety around all the transitions, scheduling, juggling…
Do less, experience more
Mindfulness, Self-Care
Recently, our family was invited to visit friends for the weekend at their cabin on the river, an hour’s drive from our house. The night before we were going to leave, my husband and I were frantically creating lists of all the things…
4 reasons to take a digital detox
Today marks my first day back in the office after five days unplugged (no computer use, email, TV/movies and only minimal phone use). I took off Thursday morning through Monday night--essentially only 3 work days--and spent the time working…
8 ways to have a mindful vacation
I was visiting with a good friend last week who was feeling exhausted, frustrated and saddened that her recent family vacation was not what she had intended. "We crammed too much in, checked our work email too often and didn't build in…
Can you just “be with what is”?
"To listen deeply is an act of faith." Adyashanti, author, The End of Your World
This morning I dropped off my newly minted teenager--who loves working with children--at our wonderful, local nature and science center to begin his first…
Slowing down to the speed of summer
One of my touchstones for gauging how fast--or slow--I'm living, is noticing if I have a vase of fresh herbs and flowers on my desk. When I'm living the life I desire, I create the time to meander in my garden and pick colorful and unusual…
My challenge to you this summer: DO IT DIFFERENT!
This morning I made migas with mushrooms for breakfast. Then I dropped off my son to volunteer at our friends wonderful farm camp (where I was greeted by roosters and got to pet a gentle horse and a goat) and I attended a morning yoga class.…
Who do you want to “be” when you’re 80?
When all your desires are distilled you will cast just two votes: to love more and be happy. Hafiz
Years ago, my husband, son, and I visited some old family friends —and native Irish speakers — who live in a fishing village outside…
Why I unplugged on my busiest day ever
Life Balance, Mindfulness
Last Monday morning I returned to mountains of work having been off for a week with my family for spring break (when we go on vacation we generally go "off the grid"). In addition to hundreds of emails, phone messages and requests for my…
Finding balance in a 24/7 world
Life Balance, Mindfulness
Growing up with a parent who suffered from clinical depression and navigating a heaping dose of dysfunction, stress, anxiety and "not feeling enough" the first thirty years of my life, left me highly motivated to want to FEEL GOOD.
7 reasons to ask for help (& support for getting started)
Life Balance, MindfulnessMy husband and I have been navigating some bumpy parenting terrain; unfortunately we're not alone. While at times, things can feel really tough, I find tremendous comfort from knowing we have a strong support network in place that we can turn…
7 ways to live inside-out
Last week my husband I were at a dinner party with several other couples. Henry and Amy were lamenting about how much their lives had changed since our potluck dinner the month before. “Just a few weeks ago I was seriously contemplating…