Is it time to unplug?
I just returned from leading a self-renewal retreat at Kripalu Center for Yoga & Health on the east coast for an amazing group of women from all over North America. I was away from the office for a total of five days ... unplugged.…

Slower is better
Last week I attended a meditation workshop with my teacher Dr. Richard Miller. Taking three hours off in the middle of a Tuesday afternoon to learn more about the benefits of meditation and how to bring this into my daily life felt a bit…

Why I meditate
I woke up this morning feeling tired even though I got eight solid hours of sleep last night. Transitioning and training new staff, switching gears to a new summer routine and looking at real estate while we engage in long-term financial…

Being with what is
Mindfulness, Self-Care
I'm having a really difficult time right now "Being with what is." My son continues to eat foods he's intolerant to that make him crazy irritable (welcome to middle school), my beloved after 20 years, is still not the handy-man I wish he…

Do you live … intentionally?
My family is thinking of moving to a different area of Austin. This is part of a larger plan we're piecing together around how we want to work, play, connect, foster community, generate revenue and "be" in the second half of our life. (Read…

Why I’m taking a sabbatical
Mindfulness, Work Life Balance
When I was 30 years old I chose to leave a high-stress, perk-filled corporate job and take a month off from the working world to re-design my career path. I had just taken a life-changing trip to Europe and was sitting in my cube working…

5 things I learned about myself in 2013
There's something magical about this window of time as one year ends and another is about to begin. It's a pregnant pause: ripe with possibility and potential. To me, it feels especially so this year.
Yesterday I challenged our 6th…

Meditation saves me … from myself
I woke up this morning exhausted. Triggered. And I could feel my negative thoughts lining up like little toy soldiers ready to go to battle.
After a weekend of push-back from my rapidly maturing adolescent, I felt like I'd just left an…

On being anxious (and how to remove cat hairs)
The summer before 6th grade, my parents moved me and my four brothers across the country--away from my best friends Ann, Karen and Laura--to an alternative school on a yoga commune in the Sierra Nevada mountains of CA (this was part…

Are you happy with the “status quo?”
We just got back from a family vacation on the WA Olympic Peninsula (stunning, one of our favorite trips). This nature immersion was just what we needed. Now, I'm looking forward to a new school year and a fresh start for our…

Bring on the Magic!!
Every year in January since I was about 30, I have created a vision board--basically a visual snapshot of what you want to experience in your life (athletes and top entertainers do this all the time to help them focus on and meet their goals).…

Abundance Muffins
“Abundance is not something we acquire. It is something we tune into.” ~ Wayne Dyer
Last Friday I gathered with some colleagues for an afternoon personal planning retreat.
As everyone was arriving, my friend Susan walked in the door and…