Tag Archive for: 2013

8 ways to enjoy a stress-free vacation
Recently our family was invited to visit friends for the weekend at their cabin on the river a couple hour’s drive from our house.
Two days before we were going to leave, my husband and I were frantically creating lists of all the…

What does self-care mean to you?
Last week I connected with some powerful national presenters and we discussed the concept of self-care. Like many, they see self-care as something you "should do" for your physical health (exercise, eat well, get enough sleep), but that's…

10 ways to nurture your soul (and a new video!)
Over the years, our career coaching clients have shared that one of the biggest gifts they receive from working with our team is being challenged to imagine what is possible in their lives and careers: to shed the shackles of their expectations,…

In transition? Join the crowd!
My son is starting middle school in the fall, my good friend’s youngest child leaves for college in August, my colleague’s husband just quit his job to join his wife’s firm, my 46 year-old childhood friend just learned he’s going…

How I learned to mother myself
There's been a lot of belly button gazing in our house this past week. My adolescent son told me on Friday, "I'm thinking a lot about my life right now," my introspective husband is taking a class where he's contemplating our relationship…

Sometimes Self-Care Takes (gasp!) Discipline
I’m not sleeping well. I haven’t for the last few weeks.
Yes, I’m going to bed at the same time each night, staying tech-free after 8 p.m., getting daily exercise, steering clear of caffeine and generally staying with my same calming…

My 7 Favorite Birthday Presents
Life Balance
January is not my favorite month. I don't like the cold, I love and need lots of sunshine and my birthday--January 7--often brings with it an array of emotions, which often include sadness around not having my mom and dad around to tell me…

Bring on the Magic!!
Every year in January since I was about 30, I have created a vision board--basically a visual snapshot of what you want to experience in your life (athletes and top entertainers do this all the time to help them focus on and meet their goals).…