Tag Archive for: asking for help

Three Ways to Have Your Own Back
Newsletter, support systemThe week before final exams my freshman year in college, my healthy, 44-year-old dad had a massive heart attack. I was devastated. But what saddens me as I look back on that rough time, is that I didn’t reach out for support. Other than sharing…

8 Ways To Embrace Your Shadow
Mindfulness, NewsletterWhile I love celebrating Christmas as a season of light and time of spiritual renewal, sometimes the days before and after this sacred holiday can be a bit dark for me. Between the cold, grey weather, honoring my deceased mother's Dec. 20th…

5 Ways to Find Rest & Renewal This Month
Newsletter, Self-Care
Last week I spent an hour with my December calendar—not penciling things in, but revisiting pending events and making intentional choices that support a more open, spacious, restorative winter schedule.
Does the thought of hanging lights…

Do You Have Your Own Back?
Newsletter, support systemThe week before final exams my freshman year in college, my healthy, 44-year-old dad had a massive heart attack. I was devastated. But what saddens me as I look back on that rough time, is that I didn’t reach out for support. Other than sharing…

8 Ways To Embrace Your Shadow
Mindfulness, NewsletterWhile I love celebrating Christmas as a season of light and time of spiritual renewal, sometimes the days before and after this sacred holiday can be a bit dark for me. Between the cold, grey weather, honoring my deceased mother's Dec. 20th…

(Video) Can You Be With What Is?
Mindfulness, Newsletter
I sent my husband to the farmer's market last Saturday to get arugula, kale, spinach and lettuce. He came home with a hard-skinned, oblong Japanese squash.
Maybe this year is not going quite as you had planned? This past week I heard…

What Would Your Wise Self Say?
Newsletter, Self-Care, women's retreat
This past weekend I took Saturday off for a personal retreat. I sat in front of the fireplace at my friend's empty home surrounded by art supplies, my 2022 journals and my cozy sherpa blanket. I meditated, practiced yoga, drew, journaled,…

The Only 2023 New Year’s Resolution You’ll Need
Career Coaching, Newsletter
The last three years have been some of the happiest of my life. I’m living in a gorgeous rural area near the oldest mountain range in the world, I’ve chosen a more creative work path that is deeply aligned with my passions, I’m stretching…

(Video) Three Questions to Ask Before You Enter 2023
Career Coaching, Life Coaching, Newsletter
In the spring of 2011, on a warm, vibrant weekend in the Texas Hill Country, I took a personal retreat to sit with the question, "What is uniquely mine to do?" That Saturday while mediating in my cabin, I received an inspiration from my deceased…

5 Ways to Find Rest & Renewal This Week
Mindfulness, Newsletter
Last week I spent an hour with my calendar--not penciling things in, but revisiting pending events and making intentional choices that support a more open, spacious, restorative winter schedule.
Does the thought of returning presents and attending…

8 Ways To Embrace Your Shadow
Mindfulness, NewsletterWhile I love celebrating Christmas as a season of light and time of spiritual renewal, sometimes the days before and after this sacred holiday can be a bit dark for me. Between the cold, grey weather, honoring my deceased mother's Dec. 20th…

Do You Have Your Own Back (& why this matters)?
Newsletter, support systemThe week before final exams my freshman year in college, my healthy, 44-year-old dad had a massive heart attack. I was devastated. But what saddens me as I look back on that rough time, is that I didn’t reach out for support. Other than sharing…