Tag Archive for: balance your life

Why I Love to Create Disruption
Mindfulness, Newsletter
Ever feel like you're sleepwalking through your life: doing the same things day after day, eating the same foods, having the same conversations and thinking the same thoughts? Author Wayne Dyer said, "Change the way you look at things and…

If it Doesn’t Flow, Let it Go!
Life Balance, Newsletter
The other day, my husband and I met with our builder about a new construction project we've been working on for two years. It appeared to us that things were not lining up to support our dream and we asked to pause, meet and have a heart-to-heart…

Do less, experience more
Recently, our family was invited to visit friends for the weekend at their cabin on the river, an hour’s drive from our house. The night before we were going to leave, my husband and I were frantically creating lists of all the things…