Tag Archive for: joe dispenza; the power of habit; do it different

Want True Freedom? Do it Differently
Mindfulness, NewsletterThis morning as I prepared to head out to my usual Saturday morning yoga class, I remembered hearing about a modern dance class in a nearby town that sounded interesting. I'm an avid movement fan but I haven't done any type of dance in decades.…

Why it’s important to do it different
Mindfulness, Newsletter, UncategorizedThis morning as I prepared to head out to my usual morning yoga class, I remembered hearing about a beginner modern dance class that had peaked my interest. I'm an avid yogi and Nia fan but I haven't done any type of dance in decades. But, spurred…

Want true freedom? Do it different
MindfulnessThis morning as I prepared to head out to my usual Saturday morning yoga class, I remembered hearing about a beginner/intermediate modern dance class that had peaked my interest. I'm an avid yogi and Nia fan but I haven't done any type of dance…