Tag Archive for: self-renewal retreat
Could Meditation Be Your Sanity Saver? 5 Ways to Begin
Meditation, NewsletterI live in Western North Carolina, an area in the Blue Ridge Mountains that was recently hit with catastrophic flooding caused by Hurricane Helene. The "1,000 year flood," was fueled by unprecedented climate change shifts. We've been in the national…
What is Your Life Trying to Tell You?
Life & Career Coaching, NewsletterRecently, while leading a work/life alignment workshop for small business owners, I spoke with a long-time entrepreneur who shared she was getting signs that it was time to let her business go. She was ready to harness and redirect her energy…
6 Things to Do When Life Feels Hard
Newsletter, Self-CareMany people are struggling right now and some are barely keeping their heads above water. I was visiting with a dear friend last week whose wife was just diagnosed with lung cancer. He's feeling depressed, overwhelmed and is running on fumes. …
Want to Prioritize Self-Care? 3 Ways to Begin
Newsletter, Self-CareLast week I spoke at a women’s life balance event and afterwards I visited with an attendee who asked, “I know self-care is important, but I have no idea what I need and I’m not even sure where to start!” Can you relate?
Self-Care = Meeting Yourself Where You Are
Newsletter, Self-CareSelf-care is not about adding something to your to-do list. It's about cultivating new ways of being with yourself ~ Renee Trudeau
I have a dear friend in Austin who is known for her bubbly, outgoing positivity. But, when she and I are alone…
We Gotta Feel It to Heal It
Mindfulness, NewsletterHow comfortable are you "feeling uncomfortable feelings?" During my 20's and 30's, I experienced my parent's divorce, my brother's suicide and the death of my mother and father. All of the pain, sadness, betrayal, anger and abandonment these…
6 Things to Do When the Going Gets Tough
Newsletter, Self-CareMany people are struggling right now and barely keeping their heads above water. I was visiting with an old friend yesterday who is battling depression. “It comes and it goes, but when it returns, I often freeze and forget what helps me the…
Three Baby Steps to Help You Prioritize Self-Care
Self-CareLast week I spoke at a women’s life balance event and afterwards I visited with an attendee who asked, “I know self-care is important, but I have no idea what I need and I’m not even sure where to start!” Can you relate?
Feeling Overwhelmed? Try Incremental Self-Care
Newsletter, Self-CareLast week, I was visiting with a dear friend who just started an intense graduate program. She also works full-time and is juggling family demands. Her life feels uber-full, and it's often hard for her to make it to a yoga class, to the hiking…
7 Reasons to Choose Love Over Fear
Newsletter, Self-CareI remember a few years ago pulling up at my local polling place to vote and seeing a long line wrap around the building. The anxiety in and around the voting space was thick and palpable. After ten minutes of waiting, I almost turned around…
(Video) How Are You Caring for Your Heart?
emotional self-care, Newsletter“In your light I learn how to love. In your beauty, how to make poems. You dance inside my chest where no-one sees you, but sometimes I do, and that sight becomes this art.” ― Rumi
Whew, last week was an intense one for me. I was navigating…
8 Tips for Re-Balancing & Finding Your Center
Mindfulness, NewsletterRecently I led a virtual self-care workshop for parents in the communications field. Most are navigating working from home, a changing educational landscape and parenting in uncertain times. Erin, one of the attendees, shared with me through…