Tag Archive for: traditions
Six Tips For A More Mindful Holiday Season
Mindfulness, NewsletterRecently, my extended family all hopped on a Zoom call to pause, check-in and share our intentions for this holiday season: what's most important to us during our time together and what we each need right now when it comes to self-care. We decided…
7 Tips For A More Mindful Holiday Season
Mindfulness, NewsletterLast week, my extended family all hopped on a Zoom call to pause, check-in and share our intentions for this holiday season: what's most important to us during our time together and what we each need right now when it comes to self-care. We…
7 Tips For A More Mindful Holiday Season
emotional self-care, Newsletter, Self-CareMy immediate family will all be coming together next week. Yesterday we hopped on a Zoom call to pause, check-in and share our intentions for this holiday season: what's most important to us during our time together and what we each need right…
7 tips for staying sane this holiday season
emotional self-care, NewsletterMy brother and sister-in-law cancelled Christmas. Not really. But they did make the choice to postpone hosting a large family gathering because they just don't have the extra energy to pull this off. I get it. And, I'm hearing stories just like…
Ready to re-structure your life in 2020?
Life & Career Coaching, NewsletterLast week I gathered with my extended family for Christmas. We had a wonderful experience (read more on tips for staying sane at family gatherings) thanks in part to entering the day intentionally. I was hosting this year, so in true Renee…
7 tips for staying sane this holiday season
emotional self-care, NewsletterI have 21 adults and children coming to my house this week for a Christmas gathering. I’m a little nervous. This time of year can be particularly emotional, intense and taxing on our relationships (to say the least). And gatherings can be…