Tag Archive for: UCLA

Your Homework This Week: 4 Hugs a Day!
Newsletter, Stress ManagementI love my sister-in-law Ronna. The first time I met her, she gave me the most incredible hug. It wasn’t obligatory, wimpy or semi-commital. It was a full-on bear hug, complete with belly contact and a stout, strong, enveloping embrace. She…

Are You Prioritizing Friendships (+why you should)?
emotional self-care, Newsletter, Self-CareThe other day I met up with a dear friend who is my soft place to fall. She encourages me to show up messy, tender and fully myself. She sees my creativity and generosity AND my tendency to be controlling and too goal-oriented. She accepts…

Are you nurturing your friendships (+why you should)?
emotional self-care, NewsletterThe other night I spent an evening with a dear friend who is my soft place to fall. She encourages me to show up messy, tender and fully myself. She sees my creativity and generosity AND my tendency to be controlling and too goal-oriented. All…

Your homework this week: 4 hugs a day!
Newsletter, Stress ManagementI love my sister-in-law Ronna. The first time I met her, she gave me the most incredible hug. It wasn’t obligatory, wimpy or semi-commital. It was a full-on bear hug, complete with belly contact and a stout, strong, enveloping embrace. She…