Are you ignoring your emotional self-care?
Self-CareThis morning I woke up feeling fabulously nourished and complete. What happened? This past weekend I attended a beautiful holiday sing-a-long, had a three-hour lunch with a dear girlfriend, picked up our new rescue pup and last night I hosted…

Is it time for some truth telling?
Life & Career Coaching“Honesty is more than not lying. It is truth-telling, truth-speaking, truth living, and truth-loving.” ― James E. Faust
Ever since I was a young girl I've been a truth teller. My career coaching clients and author friends call me…

5 ways to support rest & renewal this holiday
Mindfulness, Self-CareYesterday I spent an hour with my November/December calendar--not penciling things in, but cancelling pending events and making choices that supported a more open, spacious, restorative winter schedule.
Does the thought of hanging lights…

8 ways to own your power
Self-CareAllison, one of our career coaching clients, had a rough week.
After she received a disconcerting email from a new business partner, it became clear they were not on the same page. Allison paused and decided to stop the email tennis match,…

How bad do you want to feel good?
Self-CareThroughout my twenties and early thirties, I can honestly say most of the time I was walking around with low grade anxiety. I just never knew it.
I thought feeling not good enough at work (even though I was exhibiting extreme outward…

Do you force or allow things to happen?
Life Balance, Work Life Balance“Water is fluid, soft, and yielding. But water will wear away rock, which is rigid and cannot yield. As a rule, whatever is fluid, soft, and yielding will overcome whatever is rigid and hard. This is another paradox: what is soft is strong.” ―…

7 reasons to start asking for help
Life Balance
My husband and I have been navigating some bumpy parenting terrain and I know we're not alone. While at times things can feel really tough, I find tremendous comfort from knowing we have a strong support network in place that we can turn to…

4 good things born from these times
MindfulnessAs I travel around the US speaking and facilitating resiliency workshops/retreats, just about everywhere I go, I witness emotional fatigue and exhaustion. I know Clarissa Pinkola Estes says, “We were made for these times.” But between all…

Are your relationships fueled by love or fear?
I don’t write much about my son, now 15, out of respect for his privacy and journey to becoming a young man. But it’s not a secret among my friends that parenting a teen has been the hardest thing my husband and I have ever done. (I’m…

Change your environment, change your perspective
Mindfulness, Self-CareThis past weekend while I was leading a women’s self-care retreat at Esalen–a beautiful, legendary 40-year-old retreat center in stunning Big Sur, CA–I was reminded of the power of changing environments to shift perspective.
As I lay…

Do you see things in black and white?
Mindfulness“Nothing is either good or bad but thinking makes it so.” ~Shakespeare
Around the globe, many of us are experiencing deep frustration and despair right now. Others are expanding joyfully into new ways of being and seeing.
And most…

A note to my friends in transition
Self-Care, Stress Management
Before I went out on my own to launch Career Strategists in 1999, I remember counting the days at my last job as a marketing communications director and feeling frustrated, stuck and anxious. I was ready for a big career change, I just wasn't…