8 Ways To Embrace Your Shadow
Mindfulness, NewsletterWhile I love celebrating Christmas as a season of light and time of spiritual renewal, sometimes the days before and after this sacred holiday can be a bit dark for me. Between the cold, grey weather, honoring my deceased mother's Dec. 20th…

5 Ways to Find Rest & Renewal This Month
Newsletter, Self-Care
Last week I spent an hour with my December calendar—not penciling things in, but revisiting pending events and making intentional choices that support a more open, spacious, restorative winter schedule.
Does the thought of hanging lights…

Reminder: You Are Not a Self-Improvement Project
Newsletter, Self-CareOne rainy, Sunday morning, I was lying in bed reading from author Anne Lamott's beautiful little book Small Victories. In one of her stories about parenting, she shares with a little self-deprecation, but mostly tenderness, how she doesn't bake…

Want to Feel Good Fast? Get Grateful (here’s how)!
Mindfulness, NewsletterGrowing up, our overachiever family placed a high value on competency. Often that translated into a critical mindset toward self and others, where we frequently saw the bad before the good.
This way of being, like all patterns, became habitual…

Six Tips For A More Mindful Holiday Season
Mindfulness, NewsletterRecently, my extended family all hopped on a Zoom call to pause, check-in and share our intentions for this holiday season: what's most important to us during our time together and what we each need right now when it comes to self-care. We decided…

Sisterhood: How Do You Affirm Women?
Newsletter, Women's EmpowermentI once spoke at a statewide girls’ empowerment conference to a group of 300 ten to thirteen-year-olds. As I was waiting to go on stage, I overheard a small group of girls talking about their day. One of them was on fire after learning about…

The Most Important Question I’m Asking This Week
Newsletter, Self-CareAuthor/speaker Renee Trudeau offers women 8 ways to reclaim their power.

Are You Owning Your Personal Power? Eight Ways to Begin
Newsletter, Self-CareAuthor/speaker Renee Trudeau offers women 8 ways to reclaim their power.

Struggling? Start with Self-Compassion
Newsletter, self-compassionLast week I was swimming in overwhelm. Occasionally, we all go there. Particularly when we're navigating too many transitions or challenges at once (i.e. moving/relocating, career/job changes, natural disasters, health challenges, shifts in…

Permission Granted to Do Less
Life Balance, Mindfulness, NewsletterAlmost everything will work again if you unplug it for a few minutes, including you. -Author Anne Lamott
I'm hearing from clients and friends around the country that they are having trouble focusing and feeling productive. Most share they…

Could Meditation Be Your Sanity Saver? 5 Ways to Begin
Meditation, NewsletterI live in Western North Carolina, an area in the Blue Ridge Mountains that was recently hit with catastrophic flooding caused by Hurricane Helene. The "1,000 year flood," was fueled by unprecedented climate change shifts. We've been in the national…

What is Your Life Trying to Tell You?
Life & Career Coaching, NewsletterRecently, while leading a work/life alignment workshop for small business owners, I spoke with a long-time entrepreneur who shared she was getting signs that it was time to let her business go. She was ready to harness and redirect her energy…