Tag Archive for: Center for Women in Law

(Video) How Can I Be More Compassionate with Myself?
Newsletter, Self-CareI'll never forget one day in my late twenties leaving a massage therapy session after a long work week and hearing the practitioner share, "Renee, be gentle with yourself." She stopped me in my tracks. I had no idea what she meant. I left curious…

(Video) How Connected Are You?
emotional self-care, Newsletter, Self-CareResearcher and journalist Johann Hari, describes in his best-selling book, Lost Connections: Uncovering the Real Causes of Depression – and the Unexpected Solution nine types of connection that we all need to thrive. He believes connection…

(Video) How Can You Practice Radical Self-Care?
Newsletter, Self-CareOver the last 25 years I've done a ton of mind/body training, study, research and teaching around how to help people release stress and enhance resiliency. This was motivated by my own struggle with anxiety in my 20s and 30s. Today I can say…