Tag Archive for: embracing the wild unknown

10 gifts I’ve uncovered while living in the unknown
Life Balance, NewsletterAre you moving through a career change, health crisis or relationship challenge? Are you in a big life transition and asking "What's next?" Or, perhaps you're in a place of re-imagining your life? It feels as if we’re headed into a…

9 gifts I’ve uncovered while living in the unknown
Career Coaching, Newsletter, UncategorizedAre you moving through a career change, health crisis or relationship challenge? Are you in a big life transition and asking "What's next?" Do things seem particularly intense for you right now? For many of us it feels…

7 reasons I practice self-care
I was recently visiting with the head of large east-coast private school who shared that his stressed-out school community was struggling with self-care. Like many, he saw self-care as something you “should do” for your physical health…

Are you at a threshold, too?
Self-Care, Women's Retreats
THRESHOLD noun/thresh·old/ˈthresh-ˌhōld: the starting point for a new state or experience.
Yesterday we attended a moving "Ceremony of 13" at our church for my teenage son. Cultures around the world share a tradition of marking…

Are you making time for friends (and why you should)?
The other night I hosted a book swap and summer gathering for the women in my neighborhood. Most of these women I had never met before but it felt important to me to cultivate these relationships as I know what a huge impact making time…

Do less, experience more
Mindfulness, Self-Care
Recently, our family was invited to visit friends for the weekend at their cabin on the river, an hour’s drive from our house. The night before we were going to leave, my husband and I were frantically creating lists of all the things…

Are you having the summer you desire?
We just got back from a work/family trip to the east coast--our first time to visit Maine! While I am beyond grateful for this opportunity and loved seeing our beloved friends and family, visiting five cities in 10 days after leading a weekend…

Why I unplugged on my busiest day ever
Life Balance, Mindfulness
Last Monday morning I returned to mountains of work having been off for a week with my family for spring break (when we go on vacation we generally go "off the grid"). In addition to hundreds of emails, phone messages and requests for my…

10 gifts I’ve uncovered while living in the unknown
Are you moving through a career, relationship or health crisis or challenge? Are you in transition and asking "What's next?" Do things seem particularly intense for you right now? For many of us it feels as if we’re headed into a brave,…