Tag Archive for: mothers guide to self-renewal

5 Ways to Find Rest & Renewal This Month
Newsletter, Self-Care
Last week I spent an hour with my December calendar—not penciling things in, but revisiting pending events and making intentional choices that support a more open, spacious, restorative winter schedule.
Does the thought of hanging lights…

5 Ways to Stay Connected to Your Partner
Newsletter, Self-CareEverywhere I turn my friends and clients are navigating choppy waters in their most intimate relationships. The current economic and political climate combined with all the epic changes over the last three years are challenging even the strongest…

(Video) Three Questions to Ask Before You Enter 2023
Career Coaching, Life Coaching, Newsletter
In the spring of 2011, on a warm, vibrant weekend in the Texas Hill Country, I took a personal retreat to sit with the question, "What is uniquely mine to do?" That Saturday while mediating in my cabin, I received an inspiration from my deceased…

5 Ways to Find Rest & Renewal This Week
Mindfulness, Newsletter
Last week I spent an hour with my calendar--not penciling things in, but revisiting pending events and making intentional choices that support a more open, spacious, restorative winter schedule.
Does the thought of returning presents and attending…

(Video) What Did You Learn from 2021?
Mindfulness, Newsletter
Before the pandemic this would have been my busiest week of the year. I'd be responding to a slew of requests from national media for interviews on how to create success in the New Year, inquires from companies around the U.S. wanting large…

(Video) Can I Honor My Shadow AND My Light?
emotional self-care, Newsletter
“Someone I loved once gave me a box full of darkness. It took me years to understand that this too, was a gift.” Mary Oliver
This week is typically my heaviest of the year emotionally. Between the arrival of the Winter Solstice Dec. 21…

(Video) Pause. How Do You Want to BE this Holiday Season?
Mindfulness, Newsletter
When we were teenagers, my brother Kert used to dance around the house singing, "It's beginning to look a lot like stress-mas, everywhere you turn ... " Growing up, we used humor in our household to keep things real!
As we balance the light…

5 Ways to Experience Rest & Renewal This Holiday
Mindfulness, Newsletter
Yesterday I spent an hour with my December calendar--not penciling things in, but revisiting pending events and making intentional choices that support a more open, spacious, restorative winter schedule.
Does the thought of hanging lights…

Connection = good medicine. Are you getting yours?
emotional self-care, NewsletterI recently led a virtual work-life balance retreat for a group of women leaders. At the end of the day, a participant reached out to and tearfully shared, “I had no idea how badly I needed that. Not just the connection with other women, but…

5 ways to stay connected to your partner
Newsletter, Self-CareEverywhere I turn my friends and clients are navigating choppy waters in their most intimate relationships. The current economic and political climate combined with the fall-out from this global pandemic is challenging even the strongest of…

How to say “no” and why it’s so crucial
MindfulnessI woke up Saturday morning and could feel my breath was short and shallow and my chest was tight and constricted. My plate was too full--professionally and personally. Some things had to go.
I was born with a lot of energy, and one of my life-long…

9 ways to say no
Things which matter most should never be at the mercy of things which matter least. Goethe
It's October. That time of year when many of us feel like we're running from one thing to the next and there's barely time to catch our breath.