Tag Archive for: self-care

Are you nurturing your friendships (+why you should)?
emotional self-care, NewsletterThe other night I spent an evening with a dear friend who is my soft place to fall. She encourages me to show up messy, tender and fully myself. She sees my creativity and generosity AND my tendency to be controlling and too goal-oriented. All…

How often do you abandon yourself?
Newsletter, Self-CareOnce while facilitating a women's retreat at Esalen, I shared my definition of self-care with the group: the art of attuning and responding to your needs and desires moment to moment. Then I asked the circle, "Do you feel safe with yourself?"

7 tips for staying sane this holiday season
emotional self-care, NewsletterMy brother and sister-in-law cancelled Christmas. Not really. But they did make the choice to postpone hosting a large family gathering because they just don't have the extra energy to pull this off. I get it. And, I'm hearing stories just like…

Pause. Are you honoring your journey?
Mindfulness, NewsletterAfter experiencing waves of COVID-related grief and loss (I miss traveling for work and teaching terribly!), I woke up last Friday morning, looked at myself in the mirror and thought, "Wow, you've aged. Look at those circles under your eyes;…

Pause. Are you honoring your journey?
Mindfulness, NewsletterAfter experiencing waves of COVID-related grief and loss (I miss traveling for work and teaching terribly!), I woke up last Friday morning, looked at myself in the mirror and thought, "Wow, you've aged. Look at those circles under your eyes;…

Connection = good medicine. Are you getting yours?
emotional self-care, NewsletterI recently led a virtual work-life balance retreat for a group of women leaders. At the end of the day, a participant reached out to and tearfully shared, “I had no idea how badly I needed that. Not just the connection with other women, but…

5 ways to stay connected to your partner
Newsletter, Self-CareEverywhere I turn my friends and clients are navigating choppy waters in their most intimate relationships. The current economic and political climate combined with the fall-out from this global pandemic is challenging even the strongest of…

This is my favorite mantra (it may become yours)
Mindfulness, NewsletterI have recently moved to Western North Carolina after becoming an empty-nester. This big move—which we’ve been planning for four years—has been challenging, exciting and it has pushed me out of my comfort zone in many ways. One of the…

8 ways to come back in to balance
Mindfulness, NewsletterRecently I led a virtual online self-care workshop for parents who are navigating working from home, online school and parenting in the age of COVID. Erin, a woman I connected with in a dyad burst into tears and said, "This is SO hard.…

Feeling lost and confused? It’s OK
Newsletter, Self-CareI just returned from Ireland and am excited to dive into a creative project I'll be working on this summer in the Blue Ridge Mountains. I am also exhausted from the intense emotional roller-coaster I've been on for the last six months and know I need time for deep relaxation. So this week I'm sitting with how I want to feel on Labor Day and where to direct my energy over the next 90 days. What's your intention for this summer?

What’s your intention for summer 2020?
Newsletter, Self-CareI just returned from Ireland and am excited to dive into a creative project I'll be working on this summer in the Blue Ridge Mountains. I am also exhausted from the intense emotional roller-coaster I've been on for the last six months and know I need time for deep relaxation. So this week I'm sitting with how I want to feel on Labor Day and where to direct my energy over the next 90 days. What's your intention for this summer?

This is the time for RADICAL self-care
Life BalanceI am with you. Take a deep breath. We’re going to be OK.
When I lead retreats, I often begin by asking each participant, “What are the calming, self-soothing words you *most need* to hear right now?" Perhaps they…