Tag Archive for: self-care; women’s retreat; stress; stress management; self-care practices;

6 things to do when life feels hard
Newsletter, Self-CareMany people are struggling right now. Some are barely keeping their heads above water. I was visiting with a dear friend yesterday who is battling depression. “It comes and it goes. But when it returns, I often freeze and forget what helps…

Is your life trying to tell you something?
Life BalanceAt my last UNLEASHED ATX workshop in Austin, I was visiting with two long-time entrepreneurs who both shared they were getting signs it was time to let their business go so they could harness and redirect their energy towards “what’s next.” But, easier said than done. Both have spent years and a good chunk of change investing in their brands and felt torn around the idea of quitting, even if they knew it was the right thing to do (check out this great NPR podcast on the upside of quitting).

Looking for a therapist? Read this first.
MindfulnessWhenever these calls come in, I try and encourage my friends to slow down, step back and approach this process with mindfulness and intention. Take your time to get this right; you’re going to be sharing your innermost thoughts and feelings with this person. I’m a big fan of psychotherapy as one of many healing modalities.

Is your pace sustainable (+ 9 ways to say no)?
Life BalanceRecently while I was at Kripalu Center for Yoga & Health leading a women's retreat, I met an executive who was the dean at a large medical school. She said they had just added a class on work-life balance and resiliency to their medical school curriculum. But she wonders if her young doctors in training will see the value of this course for their patients–and themselves– as they navigate their intense pace.

5 self-care strategies when the going gets tough
Self-CareThis past weekend I found myself inert on the couch, trying to find the energy to get up and get moving. In addition to not sleeping well, I was navigating a whole slew of work and parenting challenges. I was exhausted. And, I know I'm not alone.