Tag Archive for: spiritual retreat

Reminder: You Are Not a Self-Improvement Project
Newsletter, Self-CareOne rainy, Sunday morning, I was lying in bed reading from author Anne Lamott's beautiful little book Small Victories. In one of her stories about parenting, she shares with a little self-deprecation, but mostly tenderness, how she doesn't bake…

You Are Not a Self-Improvement Project
Newsletter, Self-CareOne rainy, Saturday morning, I was lying in bed reading from author Anne Lamott's beautiful little book Small Victories. In one of her stories about parenting, she shares with a little self-deprecation, but mostly tenderness, how she doesn't…

You Are Not a Self-Improvement Project
Newsletter, Self-CareOne Sunday morning, I was lying in bed reading from author Anne Lamott's beautiful little book Small Victories. In one of her stories about parenting, she shares with a little self-deprecation, but mostly tenderness, how she doesn't bake for…

Feeling Overwhelmed? Try Incremental Self-Care
Newsletter, Self-CareLast week, I was visiting with a dear friend who just started an intense graduate program. She also works full-time and is juggling family demands. Her life feels uber-full, and it's often hard for her to make it to a yoga class, to the hiking…

(Video) The Reminder We Probably All Need Now
Newsletter, Self-CareEveryone I know has shared how challenging the last two weeks have been. Collectively and individually many of us have been navigating emotionally-wrought times. Even if your own life seems stable, we're all affected by what happens in the "collective"…

Are You Choosing Love or Fear? (Video)
Mindfulness, Newsletter“Love After Love" by Derek Walcott
The time will come when, with elation you will greet yourself arriving at your own door, in your own mirror
and each will smile at the other's welcome, and say, sit here. Eat.
You will love again the…

(Video) Can You Be With What Is?
Mindfulness, Newsletter
I sent my husband to the farmer's market last Saturday to get arugula, kale, spinach and lettuce. He came home with a hard-skinned, oblong Japanese squash.
Maybe this year is not going quite as you had planned? This past week I heard…

What Would Your Wise Self Say?
Newsletter, Self-Care, women's retreat
This past weekend I took Saturday off for a personal retreat. I sat in front of the fireplace at my friend's empty home surrounded by art supplies, my 2022 journals and my cozy sherpa blanket. I meditated, practiced yoga, drew, journaled,…

7 tips for staying sane this holiday season
emotional self-care, NewsletterMy brother and sister-in-law cancelled Christmas. Not really. But they did make the choice to postpone hosting a large family gathering because they just don't have the extra energy to pull this off. I get it. And, I'm hearing stories just like…
Tag Archive for: spiritual retreat