Tag Archive for: wild souls

The Only New Year’s Resolution We Need
Newsletter, Self-CareDuring a family holiday trip to Texas, we watched an apocalyptic thriller about cyber-attacks, survival and class/racial tension. As the story unfolds there are countless times when the two families who are thrown together to navigate numerous…

Reminder: You Are Not a Self-Improvement Project
Newsletter, Self-CareOne rainy, Sunday morning, I was lying in bed reading from author Anne Lamott's beautiful little book Small Victories. In one of her stories about parenting, she shares with a little self-deprecation, but mostly tenderness, how she doesn't bake…

Do You Prioritize Emotional Self-Care?
emotional self-care, NewsletterAuthor and self-care expert Renee Trudeau offers a short video on ways to feel more grounded.

Breaking Free, Making Hard Choices
living intentionally, NewsletterAuthor and self-care expert Renee Trudeau offers a short video on ways to feel more grounded.

Pause. Are You Honoring Your Sacred Journey?
Newsletter, Self-Care“Everyone has been made for some particular work, and the desire for that work has been put in every heart. Let yourself be silently drawn by the stronger pull of what you really love.” - Rumi
Every Sunday morning I facilitate a movement…

Pause. Are You Honoring Your Sacred Journey?
Newsletter, Self-Care“Everyone has been made for some particular work, and the desire for that work has been put in every heart. Let yourself be silently drawn by the stronger pull of what you really love.” - Rumi
Every Sunday morning I facilitate a movement…

Don’t Believe Everything You Think!
Mindfulness, Newsletter“The truth is, we don’t know what’s going to happen—we just think we do. Often we make a big deal out of something. We blow up scenarios in our minds about all the terrible things that are going to happen. Most of the time we are wrong.…

When We Change Our Perspective, We Change Our Thoughts
Mindfulness, Newsletter, self-compassionLast week a dear friend was lamenting about how overwhelmed and exhausted she was feeling. She was being critical about her perceived inability to "manage it all." I listened quietly, gave her a long hug and asked," Have you perhaps forgotten…

You Are Not a Self-Improvement Project
Newsletter, Self-CareOne rainy, Saturday morning, I was lying in bed reading from author Anne Lamott's beautiful little book Small Victories. In one of her stories about parenting, she shares with a little self-deprecation, but mostly tenderness, how she doesn't…

How Are You Nurturing Your Heart?
emotional self-care, NewsletterAuthor and self-care expert Renee Trudeau offers a short exercise on ways to feel more grounded.

(Video) What Does Self-Care Mean to YOU?
Newsletter, Self-CareAuthor and self-care expert Renee Trudeau offers a short video to help create a daily self-care practice.

The Only New Year’s Resolution You’ll Need
Newsletter, Self-CareMy husband and I just finished an exhausting cross-country move from Austin, TX to the mountains of Western, NC. On the last night of the move, we needed some mindless TV and streamed Leave the World Behind, an apocalyptic thriller about cyber…