Tag Archive for: women’s retreats

Want to Feel Good Fast? Get Grateful (here’s how)!
Mindfulness, NewsletterGrowing up, our overachiever family placed a high value on competency. Often that translated into a critical mindset toward self and others, where we frequently saw the bad before the good.
This way of being, like all patterns, became habitual…

Sisterhood: How Do You Affirm Women?
Newsletter, Women's EmpowermentI once spoke at a statewide girls’ empowerment conference to a group of 300 ten to thirteen-year-olds. As I was waiting to go on stage, I overheard a small group of girls talking about their day. One of them was on fire after learning about…

The Most Important Question I’m Asking This Week
Newsletter, Self-CareAuthor/speaker Renee Trudeau offers women 8 ways to reclaim their power.

Are You Owning Your Personal Power? Eight Ways to Begin
Newsletter, Self-CareAuthor/speaker Renee Trudeau offers women 8 ways to reclaim their power.

Permission Granted to Do Less
Life Balance, Mindfulness, NewsletterAlmost everything will work again if you unplug it for a few minutes, including you. -Author Anne Lamott
I'm hearing from clients and friends around the country that they are having trouble focusing and feeling productive. Most share they…

What is Your Life Trying to Tell You?
Life & Career Coaching, NewsletterRecently, while leading a work/life alignment workshop for small business owners, I spoke with a long-time entrepreneur who shared she was getting signs that it was time to let her business go. She was ready to harness and redirect her energy…

6 Things to Do When Life Feels Hard
Newsletter, Self-CareMany people are struggling right now and some are barely keeping their heads above water. I was visiting with a dear friend last week whose wife was just diagnosed with lung cancer. He's feeling depressed, overwhelmed and is running on fumes. …

Get Real. How Well Do You Know Yourself?
emotional self-care, Life Balance, NewsletterRecently I got a call from an old career coaching client. Her company had presented her with a yet-to-be flushed out dream opportunity, but she was so hyper-focused on finalizing details of the job description, she was missing the bigger picture:…

7 Back-to-School Strategies to Support More Flow
Mindfulness, NewsletterIt’s 1976. I’m in fifth grade and standing by our front door with my red plaid backpack. My eyes scanning, I watch my four younger brothers dart from room to room. My stomach is in knots. It’s 7:45 a.m. We should have left fifteen minutes…

Considering Therapy? Read This First.
emotional self-care, NewsletterWhenever these calls come in, I try and encourage my friends to slow down, step back and approach this process with mindfulness and intention. Take your time to get this right; you’re going to be sharing your innermost thoughts and feelings with this person. I’m a big fan of psychotherapy as one of many healing modalities.

3 Ways to Quell Your Anxiety
Mindfulness, Newsletter“Perhaps the biggest tragedy of our lives is that freedom is possible, yet we can pass our years trapped in the same old patterns.” -Tara Brach, author of Radical Acceptance
Are you normalizing stress? Everywhere I turn men and women are…

5 Ways to Have Your Best Day Ever
living intentionally, NewsletterLately, my schedule has been really erratic. I’ve been traveling and some of my typical, nourishing daily routines took a back seat. But, the one thing I stick to as much as possible—no matter where I am—is entering the day intentionally.
Why? Because…