What Area of Your Life Needs Balancing?
Life BalanceYesterday, I had the opportunity to lead a wonderful career plannning/exploration workshop in which I challenge professionals to look at their lives and their work in new ways (http://www.careerstrategists.net/mojo0906.html). Facilitating this…
SpiritualityHave you ever been stuck in a way of seeing things or doing things and you know it isn’t working for you, but you can’t see how to find your way out of this pattern? (Uggh, that can feel uncomfortable!!)
And then, you recommit to your own…
Happiness when ….?
Life BalanceDo you ever find yourself playing the "I know I'll be happy when .....(fill in the blank: I've finished my project, I have a new job, I'm done with school, my divorce is finalized, my client has paid me, I've figured out what my life purpose…
Peace in the Eye of the Storm
Life BalanceHappy 2008 (have you noticed all the "2008 is going to be great" bumper stickers everywhere?! ...I'm hoping this group intention will affect us all very positively!).
I got two doses of black eyes peas yesterday (one veggie style with lots…
Don’t Believe Everything You Think
Work Life Balance
Photo: Cliffs of Moher, County Clare, Irleland, August 2007, Renee Trudeau
The two weeks before Thanksgiving were really stressful for me. I was feeling pulled in too many directions by work, had countless deadlines breathing down my back…
Birthing Something Creative
SpiritualityLast week while at the park late one afternoon with my son and two other moms and kids, one of my friends asked me about a unique aspect of my upbringing. It was the fourth time in about 3 days the Universe had presented me with this theme.…
Life Balance on My Terms
Life BalanceI define life balance as having enough time, energy and resources for those things that are most important to me.
I had the wonderful opportunity to lead a women’s Personal Renewal Group (PRG) Facilitator Training Weekend Retreat at The Crossings…
Life is More Than a To-Do List
Self-CareReturning from an incredible family vacation in Ireland (more on this in my next newsletter) and preparing for “back to school” and a full fall, I’m very observant right now of how my family and I plan to live/play/work over the next few…
Wanna’ play?
Work Life BalanceContrary to what some of my friends may think after watching me work my tail off over the last year, I am not and never have been a workaholic. I’m more a “work hard (when necessary), play hard” kind of girl.
And, after all the energy…
What Anchors Me
Women's EmpowermentIn my last Renewal newsletter, I talked about those things in my life that “anchor me” and help keep me present. One of the biggest anchors in my life and something I look forward to every month (yet forgot to mention!) is MY Personal Renewal…
The Journey Continues
Women's EmpowermentLast week in my monthly Personal Renewal Group, we ended our women’s circle by each sharing something we’re grateful for. What came to me is the ability to shift our perspective—and in turn, our mood.
My last blog post touched on some…
Following a Calling
Women's EmpowermentI remember the final two years working as a communications director for a multi-faceted organization before I left to start Career Strategists, as being one of the most frustrating and often difficult, periods of my life.
I knew I was ready…