4 ways to practice self-compassion
MindfulnessI'm really struggling around parenting my teen right now. Some days, all I can do is take it hour by hour, breathe and pray. I'm not sleeping well, so my energy is low, my productivity at work has suffered and my joy for life is ebbing more…
5 questions to ask before choosing a therapist
Mindfulness, Stress ManagementIn the past month I probably received at least ten requests from friends and clients asking for referrals for great therapists.
Whenever these calls come in, I try and get my friends to slow down, step back and approach this process with…
5 reasons you should consider taking a retreat
Mindfulness, Women's RetreatsThroughout my twenties and thirties when my chest tightened from overwork and I could feel overwhelm lapping at my door, I would increase my work pace, thinking, "I just need to move faster and get more done." Much of this stemmed from an entrenched…
Are you having conversations that matter?
Mindfulness, Stress Management, Women's EmpowermentIn 2002 after my son Jonah was born, I sent an email out to a handful of friends from my prenatal yoga class and invited them to meet me at our local park on the following Wednesday. We sat on blankets under big oak trees nursing our newborns.…
Don’t just do something, sit there
Meditation, MindfulnessI feel edgy. And unsettled. And a bit anxious. Between the bomb violence in Austin last week (my hometown), the current political climate, the wonderful but emotional March for our Lives rallies on Saturday and my always-pushing-the-boundaries…
My word for 2018 is KINDNESS
Mindfulness, Women's Retreats"Constant kindness can accomplish much. As the sun makes ice melt, kindness causes misunderstanding, mistrust, and hostility to evaporate." -Albert Schweitzer
In early January, I sat on my meditation cushion preparing for my regular morning…
4 questions I’m asking before I leap into 2018
MindfulnessThe weeks before and after New Year's Day were hard. Really hard. As a result, I've been moving at a snail's pace when it comes to envisioning and preparing for 2018. I feel I'm still releasing 2017, digesting all the challenging lessons and…
Who do you want to BE in 2018?
Mindfulness, SpiritualityKind words can be short and easy to speak but their echoes are truly endless. ~ Mother Teresa
Years ago, my husband, son, and I visited our dear family friends —and native Irish speakers — who live in a fishing village outside of…
3 reasons I think we should all do yoga
Mindfulness, Self-CareThis past weekend I was visiting with a group of women who were sharing about their battles with depression. My friend Cara turned to me and asked, "Renee, what do you when you feel down or hopeless?" I thought for a moment about all the loss…
Maybe everything is perfect
Mindfulness, Self-Care
"If you want reality to be different than what it is, you might as well try to teach a cat to bark.” Author/teacher Byron Katie
We had a really bumpy holiday. There was some extended-family discord around our Christmas celebration,…
5 ways to support rest & renewal this holiday
Mindfulness, Self-CareYesterday I spent an hour with my November/December calendar--not penciling things in, but cancelling pending events and making choices that supported a more open, spacious, restorative winter schedule.
Does the thought of hanging lights…
4 good things born from these times
MindfulnessAs I travel around the US speaking and facilitating resiliency workshops/retreats, just about everywhere I go, I witness emotional fatigue and exhaustion. I know Clarissa Pinkola Estes says, “We were made for these times.” But between all…