(Video) Are You Comfortable Living with Polarities?
Mindfulness, Newsletter
Whenever I lead retreats at Kripalu, Esalen or 1440, I love to guide my retreat participants through a mindfulness meditation from Richard Miller called welcoming joy's opposite. When it's over, they often share how challenging it is to…

(Video) How Well Do I Know Myself?
Newsletter, Self-Care
Last week I asked myself, "Are you seeing things as they are or are you seeing things as you are?" Knowing ourselves: how we're wired, how we respond to stress and what we need to feel our best, is integral to self-care and being able to…

(Video) What Does Self-Care Mean to Me?
Newsletter, Self-Care
I was visiting with a girlfriend yesterday and we were sharing how the current times feel like the period following a bad car accident. The accident (COVID) happens and you're in shock. For a while you may think, "Everything is fine."…

Feeling Lost or in Limbo? That’s OK!
Newsletter, Self-CareRecently I was leading a retreat for a group of women. While waiting to enter the workshop space one of them asked me, "So how are you doing?" I breathed. Paused. Closed my eyes. And said, "Wobbly." Everyone around me nodded their heads in…

(Video) It is Time to Clean My Lens?
Newsletter, Self-CareWhen my son Jonah was in elementary school and we would get in to a disagreement or a sticky spot (he negotiated everything), he would often hold up his hands in a time-out sign and say, "Mom, can we do a re-set?" I shared with him the value…

How Can I Practice Self-Compassion?
Newsletter, Self-Care, self-compassionYears ago when I was facing a heavy work schedule or juggling a lot of balls, I would push myself harder--convinced that cracking the whip was what I needed to reach the finish line. Those days are long gone. Today I know when I’m navigating…

Am I Taking Time for Emotional Self-Care?
emotional self-care, Newsletter, Self-Care
I define self-care as the art of attuning and responding to your needs (and desires) moment to moment. Self-care is not about adding something to your to-do list, it's about cultivating a new way of being with yourself and nourishing yourself…

How Can I Cultivate TRUST?
Meditation, Mindfulness, NewsletterLearn 3 strategies for cultivating more trust in a post-pandemic world.

How Can You Better Support Yourself?
Newsletter, Self-CareI've been teaching men and women the art/science of self-care--which I define as the practice of attuning to your needs and desires moment to moment--for more than 20 years. Over the decades I've observed that when people slow down, pause…

4 ways to feel better now (+ join me in NC!)
Newsletter, Self-CareLast week I received some alarming news about a family member. Afterwards, I felt anxious, jumpy and overwhelmed. My brain was so flooded with stress hormones I felt paralyzed and was struggling to remember any of my self-care tools! Can…

What Is Uniquely Mine to Do?
Newsletter, Self-CareAre you feeling like the pace of life just sped up and opportunities and choices are coming at you like fast balls from every direction? One of our favorite mantras in our office is, "Just because you can, doesn't mean you should." This is…

Is Your Energy Going To What Matters Most?
Mindfulness, NewsletterTaped to my laptop is one of my favorite all-time quotes: "Things which matter most should never be at the mercy of things which matter least." With this week's Live Inside Out question I'm challenging myself to examine where my energy…