8 ways to come back in to balance
Mindfulness, NewsletterRecently I led a virtual online self-care workshop for parents who are navigating working from home, online school and parenting in the age of COVID. Erin, a woman I connected with in a dyad burst into tears and said, "This is SO hard.…
Feeling out of sorts? Start with self-compassion
Mindfulness, NewsletterEver notice when you've moved into a place where you see everything that's not working, rather than everything that is?
Yesterday I found myself in this space. I paused. Then, I stepped on to my back porch to enjoy a tall glass of self-compassion…
When in doubt, sometimes it’s best to do nothing
Meditation, NewsletterYesterday I woke up with a tight chest and my mind was bouncing all over the place. We were staying in an Airbnb thousands of miles from home, preparing to move our only child in to his college dorm room after the school tested him--and the…
In career transition? 10 pearls to help you through
Career Coaching, NewsletterIn 2000 I combined my 15 years of experience and training in organizational/leadership development, communications strategy, corporate coaching and personal branding, and launched my first business—a career coaching and consulting firm dedicated…
Nature: the ultimate anti-depressant (10+ ideas to get you outside)
Newsletter, Stress ManagementLast week I spoke at a women’s life balance event and afterwards I visited with an attendee who asked, “I know self-care is important, but I have no idea what I need and I’m not even sure where to start!” Can you relate?
Hello to here: returning to the present moment
Mindfulness, NewsletterLast week I spoke at a women’s life balance event and afterwards I visited with an attendee who asked, “I know self-care is important, but I have no idea what I need and I’m not even sure where to start!” Can you relate?
Who is steering your ship?
living intentionally, NewsletterLast week I spoke at a women’s life balance event and afterwards I visited with an attendee who asked, “I know self-care is important, but I have no idea what I need and I’m not even sure where to start!” Can you relate?
Want to help others? Start here.
Life & Career Coaching, NewsletterLast week I spoke at a women’s life balance event and afterwards I visited with an attendee who asked, “I know self-care is important, but I have no idea what I need and I’m not even sure where to start!” Can you relate?
Now is the time: challenge how you see EVERYTHING!
Life & Career Coaching, NewsletterLast week I spoke at a women’s life balance event and afterwards I visited with an attendee who asked, “I know self-care is important, but I have no idea what I need and I’m not even sure where to start!” Can you relate?
Self-care 101: three ways to begin
Newsletter, Self-CareLast week I spoke at a women’s life balance event and afterwards I visited with an attendee who asked, “I know self-care is important, but I have no idea what I need and I’m not even sure where to start!” Can you relate?
We gotta feel it if we’re gonna heal it!
Mindfulness, NewsletterI just returned from Ireland and am excited to dive into a creative project I'll be working on this summer in the Blue Ridge Mountains. I am also exhausted from the intense emotional roller-coaster I've been on for the last six months and know I need time for deep relaxation. So this week I'm sitting with how I want to feel on Labor Day and where to direct my energy over the next 90 days. What's your intention for this summer?
Three things to do this week to thrive
Newsletter, Self-CareI just returned from Ireland and am excited to dive into a creative project I'll be working on this summer in the Blue Ridge Mountains. I am also exhausted from the intense emotional roller-coaster I've been on for the last six months and know I need time for deep relaxation. So this week I'm sitting with how I want to feel on Labor Day and where to direct my energy over the next 90 days. What's your intention for this summer?