Your homework this week: 4 hugs a day!
Newsletter, Stress ManagementI love my sister-in-law Ronna. The first time I met her, she gave me the most incredible hug. It wasn’t obligatory, wimpy or semi-commital. It was a full-on bear hug, complete with belly contact and a stout, strong, enveloping embrace. She…

7 reasons to choose love over fear today
Mindfulness, NewsletterLast week I took advantage of early voting. The location I showed up had a long line. The anxiety in and around the voting space was thick and palpable. After ten minutes of waiting, I almost turned around and left.
The tension and nervousness,…

Connection = good medicine. Are you getting yours?
emotional self-care, NewsletterI recently led a virtual work-life balance retreat for a group of women leaders. At the end of the day, a participant reached out to and tearfully shared, “I had no idea how badly I needed that. Not just the connection with other women, but…

5 ways to stay connected to your partner
Newsletter, Self-CareEverywhere I turn my friends and clients are navigating choppy waters in their most intimate relationships. The current economic and political climate combined with the fall-out from this global pandemic is challenging even the strongest of…

Get real. How well do you know yourself?
Life & Career Coaching, NewsletterRecently I got a call from an old career coaching client. Her company had presented her with a yet-to-be flushed out dream opportunity, but she was so hyper-focused on finalizing the job description, she was missing the bigger picture: a diamond…

This is my favorite mantra (it may become yours)
Mindfulness, NewsletterI have recently moved to Western North Carolina after becoming an empty-nester. This big move—which we’ve been planning for four years—has been challenging, exciting and it has pushed me out of my comfort zone in many ways. One of the…

8 ways to come back in to balance
Mindfulness, NewsletterRecently I led a virtual online self-care workshop for parents who are navigating working from home, online school and parenting in the age of COVID. Erin, a woman I connected with in a dyad burst into tears and said, "This is SO hard.…

Feeling out of sorts? Start with self-compassion
Mindfulness, NewsletterEver notice when you've moved into a place where you see everything that's not working, rather than everything that is?
Yesterday I found myself in this space. I paused. Then, I stepped on to my back porch to enjoy a tall glass of self-compassion…

When in doubt, sometimes it’s best to do nothing
Meditation, NewsletterYesterday I woke up with a tight chest and my mind was bouncing all over the place. We were staying in an Airbnb thousands of miles from home, preparing to move our only child in to his college dorm room after the school tested him--and the…

In career transition? 10 pearls to help you through
Career Coaching, NewsletterIn 2000 I combined my 15 years of experience and training in organizational/leadership development, communications strategy, corporate coaching and personal branding, and launched my first business—a career coaching and consulting firm dedicated…

Nature: the ultimate anti-depressant (10+ ideas to get you outside)
Newsletter, Stress ManagementLast week I spoke at a women’s life balance event and afterwards I visited with an attendee who asked, “I know self-care is important, but I have no idea what I need and I’m not even sure where to start!” Can you relate?

Hello to here: returning to the present moment
Mindfulness, NewsletterLast week I spoke at a women’s life balance event and afterwards I visited with an attendee who asked, “I know self-care is important, but I have no idea what I need and I’m not even sure where to start!” Can you relate?