Is Your Pace Sustainable (+ 9 ways to say no)?
Newsletter, Work Life BalanceRecently while I was at Kripalu Center for Yoga & Health leading a women's retreat, I met an executive who was the dean at a large medical school. She said they had just added a class on work-life balance and resiliency to their medical school curriculum. But she wonders if her young doctors in training will see the value of this course for their patients–and themselves– as they navigate their intense pace.

Why I Love to Create Disruption
Mindfulness, Newsletter
Ever feel like you're sleepwalking through your life: doing the same things day after day, eating the same foods, having the same conversations and thinking the same thoughts? Author Wayne Dyer said, "Change the way you look at things and…

If it Doesn’t Flow, Let it Go!
Life Balance, Newsletter
The other day, my husband and I met with our builder about a new construction project we've been working on for two years. It appeared to us that things were not lining up to support our dream and we asked to pause, meet and have a heart-to-heart…

When We Do Less, We Experience More
Mindfulness, Newsletter
Last week, I was juggling work deadlines, training a new team member and packing up to head out of town. On Wednesday evening, while driving to my community singing class (an hour away), I found myself feeling more and more tired. More than…

Self-Care = Meeting Yourself Where You Are
Newsletter, Self-CareSelf-care is not about adding something to your to-do list. It's about cultivating new ways of being with yourself ~ Renee Trudeau
I have a dear friend in Austin who is known for her bubbly, outgoing positivity. But, when she and I are alone…

We Gotta Feel It to Heal It
Mindfulness, NewsletterHow comfortable are you "feeling uncomfortable feelings?" During my 20's and 30's, I experienced my parent's divorce, my brother's suicide and the death of my mother and father. All of the pain, sadness, betrayal, anger and abandonment these…

How Are You Nurturing Your Heart?
emotional self-care, NewsletterAuthor and self-care expert Renee Trudeau offers a short exercise on ways to feel more grounded.

Many Things Are True At Once
Mindfulness, NewsletterShakespeare said, “Nothing is either good or bad, but thinking makes it so.”
Around the globe, many of us are experiencing deep frustration, pain and despair right now. Others are expanding joyfully into radical new ways of being and seeing.…

(Video) What Does Self-Care Mean to YOU?
Newsletter, Self-CareAuthor and self-care expert Renee Trudeau offers a short video to help create a daily self-care practice.

Do You Have Your Own Back?
Newsletter, support systemThe week before final exams my freshman year in college, my healthy, 44-year-old dad had a massive heart attack. I was devastated. But what saddens me as I look back on that rough time, is that I didn’t reach out for support. Other than sharing…

5 Reasons to Take a Retreat (+ DIY tips)
Newsletter, Spirituality, Women's RetreatsThroughout my twenties and thirties when my chest tightened from overwork and I could feel overwhelm lapping at my door, I would increase my work pace, thinking, “I just need to move faster and get more done.” Much of this stemmed from an…

4 Ways to Practice Self-Compassion
Mindfulness, NewsletterLately, I've been swimming in overwhelm. Occasionally, we all go there. Particularly when we're navigating too many transitions at once (moving/relocating, career/job changes, health challenges, shifts in our financial state, etc.) and our brain…