Do you approach life with a sense of urgency?
Mindfulness, Women's RetreatsI am coming off a full fall speaking schedule, an eight-day trip to the east coast to visit family and colleges and a travel-induced cold. As I look at what needs to be done this week at work, I can feel my heart and mind start to speed up.…

8 ways to own your personal power
Women's Empowerment, Women's RetreatsJodi, one of our career coaching clients, had a rough week.
After she received a disconcerting email from a new business partner, it became clear they were not on the same page. Jodi paused and decided to stop the email tennis match, pick…

THE most important question to ask yourself (+ video)
Self-Care, Women's RetreatsGrowing up as the oldest of seven children in a chaotic, creative, often-stressful environment (five boys, two girls), I don’t ever remember anyone asking me, “Renee, what do you need today?” My recollection is I floated through my days…

5 ways to practice spiritual self-care
Self-Care, Women's RetreatsIt’s 1976, and my mom and dad are sitting quietly with their eyes closed, hands resting upward—thumb and index finger touching—while my younger siblings crawl on their backs and shoulders. My older two brothers and I sit nearby, holding…

Do you have a foot in two worlds?
Mindfulness, Women's Retreats
Last weekend my teenager, husband and I all wanted to see a movie. This is always tricky, but our compromise Ant-Man and the Wasp worked, and I even enjoyed it!
In the movie, the primary antagonist, Ava Starr (above), can phase…

7 self-care rituals I can’t live without
Self-Care, Women's RetreatsThe last two weeks have been a series of rapid transitions. My 16-year-old starts 11th grade this week, I'm preparing to launch into a full fall speaking schedule, and my husband, son and I have been traveling off and on since June 5th (from…

Change your environment, change your thoughts
Life & Career Coaching, Women's RetreatsThere’s just one way to radically change your behavior: radically change your environment.—Dr. B.J. Fogg, Director of the Stanford Behavior Design Lab
I just returned from four weeks in Western North Carolina. It wasn’t so much a vacation…

3 things I remember when I’m in transition
Life & Career Coaching, Women's RetreatsTran·si·tion. tranˈziSH(ə)n,tranˈsiSH(ə)n/. noun 1. the process or a period of changing from one state of being or condition to another
I reconnected with some friends over the weekend and it seems just about everyone I…

5 ways retreats can change your life
Women's RetreatsI recently attended an international women's conference featuring personal development, leadership, life purpose and international women's rights speakers from around the world. From authors Elizabeth Gilbert and Marianne Williamson to journalist…

My favorite solo dates
Women's RetreatsOk, three hours of free time have just "fallen" into your lap. What will you do?
This happened to me last weekend and my first thought was, "What movie do I want to see?" But after looking at the listings and not finding anything inspiring,…

5 reasons you should consider taking a retreat
Mindfulness, Women's RetreatsThroughout my twenties and thirties when my chest tightened from overwork and I could feel overwhelm lapping at my door, I would increase my work pace, thinking, "I just need to move faster and get more done." Much of this stemmed from an entrenched…

Let’s lift each other up!
Women's Retreats
I once spoke at a girls empowerment conference to a group of three hundred ten to thirteen-year-olds. As I was waiting to go on stage, I overheard a small group of tweens talking about their day. One of them was really on fire after learning…