Tag Archive for: Kripalu Center for Yoga & Health
8 Ways to Reclaim Your Personal Power
Newsletter, Self-CareAuthor/speaker Renee Trudeau offers women 8 ways to reclaim their power.
(Video) Do You Push or Allow Things to Happen?
Mindfulness, Newsletter“Water is fluid, soft, and yielding. But water will wear away rock, which is rigid and cannot yield. As a rule, whatever is fluid, soft, and yielding will overcome whatever is rigid and hard. This is a paradox: what is soft is strong.”―…
(Video) How Can I Calm My Mind?
Mindfulness, Newsletter"I will not let anyone walk through my mind with their dirty feet." Mahatma Gandhi
Recently I had an ah-hah about my body, mind and nervous system and how a new unhealthy habit was affecting my sleep, ability to release worry and stress,…
7 Reasons to Choose Love Over Fear
Mindfulness, Newsletter, Self-CareI remember a few years ago showing up at my local polling place to vote and seeing a long line wrap around the building. The anxiety in and around the voting space was thick and palpable. After ten minutes of waiting, I almost turned around…
We Have to Feel It to Heal It
Life Balance, MindfulnessHow comfortable are you "feeling uncomfortable feelings?" During my 20's and 30's I experienced my parent's divorce, my brother's suicide, and the death of my mother and father. All of the pain, sadness, betrayal, anger and abandonment…
Want True Freedom? Do it Differently
Mindfulness, NewsletterThis morning as I prepared to head out to my usual Saturday morning yoga class, I remembered hearing about a modern dance class in a nearby town that sounded interesting. I'm an avid movement fan but I haven't done any type of dance in decades.…
(Video) How Do You Make Decisions?
Newsletter, Self-CareTaped to my laptop is the mantra: From stillness comes discernment. It came to me while I was leading a retreat at Kripalu Center for Yoga & Health years ago. I revisit this reminder daily. Where do you turn when you have to make a big…
(Video) What is Calling for my Attention?
Newsletter, Work Life BalancePause. Put down your to-do list. Close your eyes. Take a deep breath. Then ask, "Who or what is calling for my attention right now?"
All of us can succumb to the seduction of productivity. Who doesn't love to cross things off a long task list?!…
(Video) What’s the Best Use of My Energy Right Now?
Newsletter, Work Life BalanceIn my late 30's I learned the difference between managing my energy versus managing my time. This was a game changer. Later in my 40's when I was leading a retreat at the Omega Institute, I received an even more powerful gift: the understanding…
(Video) How Can I Be My Own Ally?
Newsletter, Self-CareI've got a lot going on right now. It's almost dizzying. It seems many of us have gotten off the pandemic-induced "limbo train" and are starting to move forward.
Yesterday I found myself being critical of all that I had not accomplished. …
If it Doesn’t Flow, Can You Let it Go?
Life Balance, NewsletterAs a communications director, throughout my twenties and thirties, I pushed myself hard.
After securing a documentary special for a client on NOVA, I barely stopped to breathe before I was pitching their story to National Geographic. When it…
Self-Care 101: Three Ways to Begin
Featured, Newsletter, Self-Care, Women's RetreatsLast week I spoke at a women’s life balance event and afterwards I visited with an attendee who asked, “I know self-care is important, but I have no idea what I need and I’m not even sure where to start!” Can you relate?