Tag Archive for: life balance

Unexpected Gifts
Self-Care "Life isn't about waiting for the storms to pass, it's about learning to dance in the rain." - Vivian Green
I’ve been writing a lot lately about living in the unknown, the process of birthing “what’s next” and the gifts that can come…

The Void
SpiritualityOne of my dearest friends in in the void.
She is gestating “what’s next” in her life, but to her, it just feels like she’s stuck. And restless. And bored. And dissatisfied with everything-- work/relationship/home. And she might even…

Life BalanceArt is the only way to run away without leaving home. -- Twyla Tharp
I finished my writing sabbatical on Friday and felt some sadness.
I could have kept going. Maybe I’ll take another break this fall. I’m definitely feeling ripe around…

Soul Food
Self-CareMy writing sabbatical has felt more like an intense juggling act than a peaceful respite.
My husband is in the midst of a job search (and is working from home--my domain), my son is constantly begging for playdates, my staff--understandably--need…

Self-CareMany of our clients, my friends and family have expressed lately that they feel extremely untethered.
There seems to be a large contingency of us that feel as if we’re in the middle of a big storm in choppy waters and we’re not quite sure…

Work Life Balance I was interviewed last week by a national women’s magazine on the subject of women and success.
It’s got me thinking.
I shared with the editor some of the things my team and I observe through our coaching business:
-how women define…

What’s Your Speed Limit This Summer?
Self-CareThanks for all the great dialogue from my last post on Relationships.
I really enjoyed your insights and comments on relationships on our Live Inside Out community. If you'd like some great relationship tips, sign up to get my monthly Life…

Is Life Balance Possible?
Life Balance
This past Thursday I delivered a keynote at a conference to a great group of mid to senior level professionals in the cable television industry.
The topic was Reclaim Your Life: Strategies and Insights for Balanced Living.
I love watching…

This past weekend I led a Self-Renewal Retreat at The Crossings Spa and Resort for an amazing group of 32 women from around the U.S. It is deeply fulfilling work, but it also takes a lot of energy to “hold the space” for people as they…

Re-Defining Balance
Work Life BalanceThe other night at dinner my eight year-old son asked us what “ponder” means.
It got me thinking.
Lately, I’ve been getting clearer that I want to reduce the number of hours I work each week.
I am really feeling a strong pull to be…

The Great Wide Open
Work Life Balance I facilitated a Career Strategy Workshop this past Saturday morning for a wonderful group of men and women in their late thirties to late fifties at various life stages.
I continue to offer this workshop (I’ve been doing it since 2005) because…

Less is More
Life Balance I work with a wonderful woman (a mom to two young kids) who is very clear that less is more.
Often on Fridays, we touch base before we head into the weekend and discuss our upcoming plans. She never says, “Oh, this weekend is a doozie, we…